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  1. D

    Local slang

    I know you can get it online, but I just don't like to. I have heard that they have it at the chain gag store Spencer, but I've not asked nor do I beleive it's true. Came from an unreliable source. Anyways, next time I'm at a head shop I'll ask, they might have some.
  2. D

    Are you addicted to marijuana?

    I'm naturally an irritable and aggressive person though so fuck your psych tests.
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    Local slang

    Where do you get your Salvia from? I'm very interested in the stuff, sounds like a very intense cerebral high. I'm not one to buy a gram of herb off the web for 30 bucks though, y'know? Heh
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    Northern Lights Harvest

    How much do you think that is right there? I'm pretty impressed, gg
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    Favorite Smoking Place

    Snowboarding stoned is no fun, wtf are you talking about? I just get wicked tired and lose all yen to ride, heh. Anyways, I have done that..Other than that, I've not smoked anywhere too exicting. Tool concert, on top of my high school, a local skate park..Good times.
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    Absorbing THC

    I've heard of people failing due to second hand smoke. This girls boyfriend was quite the toker though, so it's pretty understandable. :p how quickly would a niacin pill or 10 clear your system? PS: Every time you breathe, you are inhaling the air that is surrounding you directly into your...
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    Local slang

    wtf. 500 for a lb of schwag!?! 100 for an oz of 'dro!?! Dammit. I just paid 100 for an oz of BC's. What would a j dipped in formaldihide do to you? What's the advantage?
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    Drinkable Marijuana

    If this can be done with 13 proof alcohol(Dankdude's beer), could I swing it with a bottle of 80 proof alcohol such as vodka, tequila, whiskey (sounds the best) etc...? Also, up to what amount of marijuana could I put in an oz of 80 proof? I think it would be epic to take a shot of alcohol and...
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    How Do I Make Hash??

    How much mid grade marijuana will make a decent amount of hash? Would selling hash net you more than selling straight up bud?
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    blueberry yum yum

    I've smoked with people who've had Blueberry Chronic (same thing probably) before, but it only comes once in a great while with a high price tag.
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    How Do I Make Hash??

    How obnoxious does it smell when you're boiling 90+% alcohol on a stove?
  12. D

    Local slang

    20 a gram for dro? Jesus.
  13. D

    Local slang

    Every locality has different names for different kinds of bud. I'm curious as to what everyone calls stuff in different regions. My turn: In Southeastern Washington, the easiest and cheapest kind of weed you can buy is called Mersh. Then there's BC's (baby chronic) and Chronic. These are the 3...
  14. D

    Show some love for us less fortunate..

    I know a lot of people don't exactly have an entire household room to dedicate to growing, so can we get something going for those of us who only have the option of growing in a closet? Heh. Here's my problem. I keep getting reccomended these hugeass florouscent lights that wouldn't even fit in...