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  1. hazedonut

    Help with My Setup Pics!

    Thanks for the advice man appreciate it sadly i haven't gotten the chance to grab soil yet. there's only one hydro store that's a good 1hr 1/2 away sucks i just planted these this week because they were germinated to soon. Any suggestions as to what i should grab?
  2. hazedonut

    Help with My Setup Pics!

    Thank you for those who are reading my post. I have a setup that i made myself from scratch. I have two set ups one is DWC in a 5 gallon bucket with two pumps a 40 gallon and a 60 gallon ( bubbles!!) i have a second setup with a 5 gallon tote same pumps. I have 4 seedlings that are growing in...
  3. hazedonut

    Black Small Dots on Leaves ?

    SHIT thats insect eggs man i thought the light was making the edges dark
  4. hazedonut

    Fungus Gnat Larva Invade Seeds

    i just had the same issue i had 4 emerge and growing happily unfortunately the other two never sprung and they were really nice seeds i dug them up and found them soft as a prun like life was sucked from the inside out i don't have a microscope so i cant determine.
  5. hazedonut

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey was up everyone HazeDonut in the house! lmao im obviously new to the site and wanted to give a shout out to all the smokers