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    Maturation Problems

    will be getting picks on as soon as i uncover my other casing. it's a terrarium setup. no bulk. small casing trays just as testers. Then i plan to go bulk. but as of now i got mini mushrooms:)
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    Maturation Problems

    and by the way asdf. its a casing in bowl like container. i was afraid the humidity was to high. is it ok to keep the same humidity through out? it think i may be having problem with FAE...
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    Maturation Problems

    Ellis Dee... what kind of help is that? did your balls drop? advice please
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    Maturation Problems

    my mushrooms pinned. but never went past pins... any knowledge on how to help this matter is appreciated:cry:
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    Organic Jiffy Seed Starting Mix

    that is unless its pasteurized... that is if i was doing a bulk procedure with Hpoo an wheat straw preferably. but it doesn't have to be nutritious for mycelium to colonize it. thank you for your comment though..
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    Organic Jiffy Seed Starting Mix

    mine has established networks all threw the soil. an it appears to have colonized. I'm am minutely experienced too but have the mushroom cultivator. but the guys on here persuaded me in that way. an like you said i haven't spotted contam's once. pins firmly established everywhere. thank you for...
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    Organic Jiffy Seed Starting Mix

    I grew mushrooms an had no means of compiling materials for a casing (laziness) . So i went to Walmart an picked of some Organic Jiffy Seed Starting mix and without measuring i added distilled water to the material an microwaved for 10 minutes. let cool too room temperature an then applied to...