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  1. Dave Webb

    How Much Green Can You Smoke a Day?

    speaking of the "law", how much should I keep at home?????? I'm paranoid everytime I hear that "law" plants arent at home but I usually keep about an ounce at home for dosing. should I not keep that much? what do you guys do?
  2. Dave Webb

    Uh oh - Too High at Work (Hash Rookie)

    your math is like Rain Man!!! I love it!!!!
  3. Dave Webb

    Ounces per Tree?

    there might already be a thread here for this but i'm too blzd :twisted: to look right now..... what the most you guys have gotten per plant, whats your average..... i'm 4-6 ounces usually but i'm pretty new to doin this myself
  4. Dave Webb

    the times i have the most to say are the times i can't talk

    the times i have the most to say are the times i can't talk
  5. Dave Webb

    How Much Green Can You Smoke a Day?

    2 g is all I can handle:joint: