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  1. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    Right well I will get one of the cheapy ones then as theres a few on there that are cordless. And thans for that link to a Uk supplier, just looking at them now, I noticed that they are based near where I go to uni so on a 2.50 return bus trip to that town :) cheers guys for your continuing help
  2. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    Out of all these ultrasonic cleaners in this ebay search what do you reckon will be suitable? will one of the cheap ones be pretty good? I still need magenta caps, and you guys in america find them...
  3. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    i guess we do have a huge tradition of nutty gardeners now i think about it. When i visited kew they had a tissue culture lab will get in touch with them.
  4. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    I know the feeling when you lose a whole post that you've wrriten, done it plenty of times usually because i press the wrong button. I looked at that list of chemicals that you posted and for about 5 mins was confused but ive got used to talking in their abreviations. The issue I have found so...
  5. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    I am interested in this kit, to be able to help prove that it works, but being in the UK could be an issue so Im happy to get my own ingredients if you tell me what I need and in what amounts, i had noticed that you were struggling with getting the seeds to germinate, have you had anymore luck...
  6. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    unfortunately for me I dont have any friends that are into growing. need to make some more friends I think. I think im going to build up something then for the shed to put these jars on. I know that my white widow plant material will be female as the seeds were femised. I cant wait to start...
  7. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    how much power does your set up use? if I am going to persuade my parents to let me build one of these shelving units in the shed then I am going to need build up an argument for it. I found out the other day that my Girlfriend had a fish tank hanging around in her back garden so im going to...
  8. F

    Investment Help

    I kind of do that anyway, but live with my parents so they wont approve of that. need ideas like shares etc.
  9. F

    Investment Help

    I have been given £500 for my birthday and i want to invest it in something other than an isa, what do you guys reccomend?
  10. F


    yeah i had read that it was reverse tolerant so next time im just going to collect an even bigger pile. and yeah i am growing the right stuff.
  11. F


    Does anyone on here grow salvia? I have three of the plants that i regularly harvest the leaves from, however the people i give it to test keep saying that they dont feel any of the effects its supposedly meant to give.
  12. F


    Hey, Im new to this forum, came here via google search on tissue culture and found a really good 20 page thread on it, which made me join up. I currently have two female white widow plants that i grow for research purposes, so that i could get plant material from them so that i can tissue...
  13. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    That's true, i can get that 50 posts up pretty easily. cheers
  14. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    I had read that there are three protocols for this, I think for now I will try and get the shoot method going so that i have enough to then go onto mulitplication. Im currently trying to fill a notebook with all these written protocols so i have something to read from so that each time I make a...
  15. F

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    what base recipe do you reccomend? I have nearly completed collection of all the equipment that i need but just cant work out how much of each ingrediant. I joined this website after i came across this thread via google. Good work and i have just spent today reading through the 20 pages that...