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    Arjan Strawberry haze ybig problem!

    hi, im using potting mix, i dont remember the brand unfortunately, but ive used the same in previous harvest with no problem. for nuts im using the Canna range, PK13-14 for flowering, but in very small amounts. i have another plant next to this one but it is not showing the same symptoms...
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    Arjan Strawberry haze ybig problem!

    hey guys, this plant is in its in 5th week of flowering in soil, and i have no idea whats wrong with it, i've tried flushing it twice now and it doesn't seem to be improving. ALL leaf are getting really yellow from the outside in, tips are burning and brown spots are appearing in the middle of...
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    Arjan Strawberry haze yellowing problem

    cool, ill start feeding her again then. ill update soon. thanks
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    Arjan Strawberry haze yellowing problem

    hi guys, this plant is in its 3rd week of flowering, and was flushed a couple of days ago. the leaf seem to be turning a bit yellow/very light green. i really dont know what im doing wrong its in soil mix with perlite and under a 400w HPS i feed her one 1L of water with 3ml of Canna PK13-14...
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    Help! - Slh Flowering, Leaf Curling Down

    hi guys, the ph of my water used was 5.9 and went down to 5.1 in the first two cups of run off, does this make sense?. i didnt check the ppm tho. thanks
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    Help! - Slh Flowering, Leaf Curling Down

    hi guys, quick update, after the Flush, its looking a bit better, leafs are straightening up , but not all. should i flush again in a couple of days untill they are all back to normal? the plant still looks horrible tho!
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    Help! - Slh Flowering, Leaf Curling Down

    hehe alright chill out man, its done, will update in 24h. thanks guys
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    Help! - Slh Flowering, Leaf Curling Down

    is there any risk of over watering with flushing?
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    Help! - Slh Flowering, Leaf Curling Down

    thanks guys, my plants get 1L of water each with 4ml of PK, its weird tho, i stopped feeding her nuts for a week now and didn't see much improvement. i will flush her and check the PH. could it be salt build up? ive never flushed them before. thanks
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    Help! - Slh Flowering, Leaf Curling Down

    Hi guys, this is my first post, i have two plants, one Super lemon Haze and one Arjan Strawberry Haze, growing indoor under a 400 HPS in soil. they are now into there second week of flowering, the leafs on the SLH have been curling down for a week now and the plant just doesn't look good, im...