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  1. okii

    2011 Outdoor Tree of Life Throwdown

    why thank you ^.^ although i'm not sure how much credit i can take for how well she turned out since i just watered her. it probably is more to do with genetics, or the california sunshine xD i do wish i knew what strain she was, but i really have no way of knowing. after doing a little taste...
  2. okii

    2011 Outdoor Tree of Life Throwdown

    wow, so many great entries already. i'm just a noob novice grower, i started germinating 3 seeds i had lying around in early january of this year, and from the 1 that sprouted i got this little beauty. i wish i'd taken a few better pics right before i harvested yesterday, these are from...
  3. okii

    Outdoor in OC

    hey everyone ^^/ i'm okii from cali. brand new to the forum, just harvested my first plant today and stumbled across this place looking for info on harvesting xD i'm a very smalltime grower, just the one plant so far, and don't have plans on doing any large scale growing anytime soon...
  4. okii

    Southern Cali, Can Someone Assist a Fellow Mmj Compliant Grower

    lol no doubt, my avy is a shot i got of an OC sunset and i have so many more like it from all over northern OC and LB and also, i agree with what most ppl around here have said about clones v seeds. i've been to a lot of clinics in the north OC area and i never really see any clones that look...