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  1. Wooginowski

    Quart Sized Mason Jars

    i think smart and final has the best deals that ive seen so far .... but you might wanna check your local flea market or garage sells, ya never know
  2. Wooginowski

    People suck...I'm getiing ripped today

    lol .... sorry to hear all the drama. hope things work out. i got bastard cousins that only want to do meth and steal my plants. hope they get their asses beat
  3. Wooginowski

    Whos going till November?

    i might be going to at least the end of october ..... but we will see
  4. Wooginowski

    Hopsnmalt's 2011 Grow

    that would be nice ..... i would just like a house on like 5 acres or so maybe even 3 acres .... with lots of trees
  5. Wooginowski

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    please give me yer expert advice
  6. Wooginowski

    Need advice on how much longer ..... with pictures

    ok i made a post earlier but here are some better pictures ..... please advise on how much longer you think i need. thanks in advance. :leaf::clap::leaf::clap:
  7. Wooginowski

    how much longer???? need advice

    yea .... ill take some better pics later on today. maybe pics from the top would be better?? We had some really hot weather in the 100s and that what made my plant look like someone took a flame thrower to it. but all in all the buds look nice. and i figure as long as the buds look good im...
  8. Wooginowski

    how much longer???? need advice

    they have been flowering since the beginnning of sep but i need some expert advice to see how much longer i can flower these for. thanks in advance
  9. Wooginowski

    Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

    how come no ones suggested that he keep the seeds and try again ..... but no it gets like this ..... for shame
  10. Wooginowski

    Broken branch at 3 weeks flower

    well i did cut it off ..... but for future reference If the break is really bad would i be better to just cut it off .... i know if i was in VEG growth i would definatly try and mend it
  11. Wooginowski

    Broken branch at 3 weeks flower

    no pics ..... it was one of the lowest branches ..... the tear in the branch was just barely hanging on
  12. Wooginowski

    Broken branch at 3 weeks flower

    my question is would it be better to just cut the branch off so it doesnt waist energy mending that branch and doesnt take from energy to the buds??? thanks in advance
  13. Wooginowski

    Need some advice

    ive been using Miracle grow Bloom Booster 15-30-15 since flowering started. I used it once a week on Wednesday with the said amount per gallon. I just bought some Tiger Bloom today and my question is when would i be able to start using the Tiger bloom without hurting my plant and should i stop...
  14. Wooginowski

    Tiger Bloom and Molasses

    thanks for all the feedback. yea im in love with the molasses cuz i think ive noticed what it does cuz my buds are starting to get thicker as opposed to what they were doing
  15. Wooginowski

    Tiger Bloom and Molasses

    ive been using molasses for the past 3 weeks and my question is would i be able to ues Tiger bloom along with using the molasses? The molasses im using is Earth Juice Hi-Brixx .... so any knowledge would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Wooginowski

    WAITING SUCKS!!! last few weeks post your girls :)

    i cant wait to harvest my lady either. i was thinking of freezing myself and then having someone thaw me out in a month just like Eric Cartman .... lol .... i hate this waiting game
  17. Wooginowski

    Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

    i dont condone death by shooting but they chose to do this and if they didnt do anything the next person would come along and do the same thing to the same house. at least now hoodlums know not to fuck with that house
  18. Wooginowski

    anyone do this?

    im wondering the same thing. cuz i know the bottom branches are like popcorn but if i let them stay on after i harvest the tops would that be ok??? Great Question nowhereland
  19. Wooginowski

    Compost pile of my own shit, use as fertalizer?

    you hit it right on the nose there ..... animals eat grass and insects that eat grass and other good stuff for plants. whereas human eat Ultimate Cheeseburgers with bacon. im getting fat just thinken of jack in the box