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  1. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    Im gonna post pics of my other plants too cuz im bored and i feel like showing them to you guys.
  2. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    heres a picture for everyone to see how my big Willy is doing and she is budding.
  3. killamike152

    Seedsman White Widow & Ufo Dna Sour Cream CFL grow

    My Sour cream just sprouted after being in soil for one day and im still waiting on my white widow to show some root.
  4. killamike152

    Seedsman White Widow & Ufo Dna Sour Cream CFL grow

    shes looks great i cant wait till mine is like that.
  5. killamike152

    Seedsman White Widow & Ufo Dna Sour Cream CFL grow

    just planted the sour cream and still waiting for the White widow to crack, im puting them in small peat moss pots so i dont have to transplant the later just put it straight into the soil.
  6. killamike152

    Seedsman White Widow & Ufo Dna Sour Cream CFL grow

    Post some pics of that sour cream lets see how shes doin.
  7. killamike152

    Seedsman White Widow & Ufo Dna Sour Cream CFL grow

    i probably stick with cfls still i can figure something out to have the hps cooled and for the air extraction ill get another little fan to blow air out from the other hole and one blowing into the other hole.
  8. killamike152

    Seedsman White Widow & Ufo Dna Sour Cream CFL grow

    well so far i only got one fan in there, can i just have the fan point the hps if i do get it?
  9. killamike152

    Seedsman White Widow & Ufo Dna Sour Cream CFL grow

    Good day ladies and gentlemen, i will be growing white widow feminized and Dna sour cream under some cfls in a 2x2x6 grow box that i made out of plywood, and i stuffed it with mylar. at the moment i have 5 cfls, 4 23 watt 2700k and a 26 watt not sure how many K's but when i got to home...
  10. killamike152

    Quick Question.

    well thanks for the replys and help but i also have anotehr question. im thinking about makig my own grow box out of plywood and mylar and shit and i was thinking to make the size like 2x2x7 would that be enough room for the 2 plants? i aiming to get like 2-3 ounces or more from each plant do u...
  11. killamike152

    Quick Question.

    Would a 150 watt hps sun system carry Seedsman White Widow and Ufo Dna Sour Cream through Veg and flower? im only growing one of each probably in my closet. i wouldnt mind puting in some 2700k daylight cfls for flower if the 150 isnt enough.
  12. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    thank you i cant wait to smoke it and make some money.:bigjoint:
  13. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    Yea i know i put her in the garage today next to the window.
  14. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    im not sure about B vitamins but i gave it some jacks classic blossom booster. but she did straighten her leaves so she looks nice.
  15. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    ok so i put my baby in a way bigger pot but the leaves are drooping alittle but im guessing they will perk back up after a day or two right?
  16. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    yea ill just try to get it to flower inside at like mid september cuz thats when i get a 200 hps and im gonna start growing white widow and Dna sour cream from the attitude and ill make a another thread on that for you guys.
  17. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    what if i just put it in a way bigger pot and put it inside and put it my closet with a fan would that force it to flower?
  18. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    i was going to move the plant and put it in the ground when i get some soil but do u guys think it will be ready by mid or end of september because im in connecticut and after september it gets a bit colder each week and i really dont want it to die and go to waste.
  19. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    not really but i took a a few more pictures for everyone to see. and it is doing better cuz the days are getting shorter and it is a female.
  20. killamike152

    My Plant just keeps growing...

    heres a new picture off my plant but i took it from my balcony so only a top view at the moment