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  1. Vagitarian

    i got busted :(

    wow....just so hes a child because he made the mature decision to move back into his parents house so that they can live a stable life without worrying about money which sounds like what happened? damn some of ya need to get ur heads out of your asses and open up your eyes
  2. Vagitarian

    i got busted :(

    haha all these people getting mad at the fact of growing in your parents house makes me laugh and then i reflect how nice it is to live in Canada and not have to fear ruining my life for having a plant from nature....suckers
  3. Vagitarian

    Currupt growers fukin up my plants

    quit being a fucking tool just cause your buddies called them classes, and not being in school means everyone refers to it as that? gimme a break who gives a fuck even if he was in highschool.....your just jelous because in high school u were probably one of those little pricks that was...
  4. Vagitarian

    Fish Fertilizer or Fish Emulsion

    I have read in high times that the idea of planting fish under your garden is useful, but should be done a year before any planned crops? ne one else see this?
  5. Vagitarian

    flowering already!? :{

    Buddy! Shut the fuck up! obviously you do not know that as a LIVING organism, your plants do sense things and they do react to changes in their surroundings. Hence, the living organism part? so what if its in a pot? that dont mean shit tool!
  6. Vagitarian

    Tricks of the Trade

    from what i have heard thats is a terrible idea when looked at short term. The applicable use is to do that but a year before actual growing. because your plants need the amino acids and proteins in the fish, not the problems and complications that come with having rotting material in their soil!
  7. Vagitarian

    My First grow(late flowering)

    Shoot away man, im new to growing but i have really done my homework regarding it
  8. Vagitarian

    mylar dose it need to be compleatly flat?

    correct me if im wrong but....I have heard that its a myth about burning the plant with ripples in reflectors. it just diffuses the light in a bad way
  9. Vagitarian

    My First grow(late flowering)

    Thanks guys. Yea, i babied her from the get go and she was good to me. I have been trying since yesterday to download some pics of the final product but i keep getting an error message about security tokens? My next project is going to be LST in a computer box. See how that goes, and i wish i...
  10. Vagitarian

    PLEASE HELP ME.......3.5 weeks in to flowering and pistils already changing?

    Dont worry about it The hair will start to turn colour and sometimes its tricky but usually right when u think the majority of the hair are red more will sprout out they will slowly start turning red until the end but dont worry because it wont be until probably at least ur 6th or 7th week...
  11. Vagitarian

    My First grow(late flowering)

    and here is days before the harvest
  12. Vagitarian

    My First grow(late flowering)

    Here are more pictures closer to harvest
  13. Vagitarian

    My First grow(late flowering)

    This is the first time i have made an attempt at growing and i love it! This plant was grown under 2 cfls and a 18 inch aquarium fluorescent fixture The sprout was a present from a family member who has a particular taste in horticulture. enjoy my baby, it was some of the tastiest weed i have...