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  1. mr chron

    My 1st Grow. Help Me!

    i just wanted to say that the oil to me smells well not very pleasent hahaha it took me forever before i finally found some. thanks alot dude it really helped most of the aphids are gone some are still lingering but i imagine they will be gone pretty soon thanks again
  2. mr chron

    White Rhino - Strain of the Week

    someone told me white rino was laced wif coke is it true??ive only had rhino not white rhino
  3. mr chron

    What Herbs Are You Puffin'?

    you always need to toke with some ak47 err trainwreck wrapped upp in a nice juicy grape flavored blunt wrap!
  4. mr chron

    My 1st Grow. Help Me!

    but doesnt neem oil smell like shit??
  5. mr chron

    New Members...

    how do you keep aphids away from your plants?? really someone help there destroying my babies nd idunno what to do!
  6. mr chron

    My 1st Grow. Help Me!

    im growing a plant inside nd i just barely started flowering but theres these little bugs on it and idunno how to get rid of them? orr how to prevent them from getting there in the first place? a friend told me that they are aphids but im not sure?? any advice would be much appreciated. thanks...
  7. mr chron

    Welcome New Members!

    I just planted a master kush plant yesterday my very first one ever its in my closet with tinfoil nd a fan nd 400 watt florescent light. I have no idea howmuch water nd fertilizer im suppose to give it. Any advice you guys can give would be much appreciated.:???: