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  1. V

    Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

    I was given a plant by a friend; after a few days I rapidly realized I had an infected plant and pretty much panicked- I had a bug free garden up until then and had just imported someone else's problem. Thought I was sold snake oil by the local grow shop when I brought home Mighty Wash and...
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    Cops can legally seize all pot

    I'm surprised this isn't up in the forum. Schuette weighs in again.
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    serious wilting in bubble buckets

    pH 5.5-6.5, with 5.9-6.0 being the usual goal with these plants. ppm's/EC may be going too high topping with Nute Water. I'd expect to see really low pH and droopy leaves if the concentration is too high. I'd dump the reservoir, refill with nute water as the directions say, then top off with pH...
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    How many liters in volume do I need for 4 plants ?

    Not too sure on tupperware; the reservoir needs to be fairly tough. A 26 liter bucket full of water is quite heavy, and cheap containers will bow out, crack, leak, etc. Rubbermaid roughneck totes seems to be the way to go, or something equally tough and rigid. However, if you're going for a...
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    Zero reservoir change Lucas Formula?

    Official count; 8th week without changing the reservoir; I am happy with how things are progressing. pH steady at 6; at 1200 ppm. Room Temps are 73 at 54% humidity today, varies between 72 and 77. Humidity ranges from 48 to 58. Bud pic is latest; images are date stamped.
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    Zero reservoir change Lucas Formula?

    Well, Void, the plan is that if any issues occur, pull the pump and air stones, scrub the res, replace the air stones, disinfect the air lines with h2o2, skip a pump for now at this stage (not using it for anything but samples anyway- the drippers are removed. I built the reservoirs so they have...
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    Zero reservoir change Lucas Formula?

    I'll keeping going; HSA makes a good point with not fixing it if it ain't broke. About the only other vital statistics for those interested are that I'm vegging under CFL's in a grow tent, they're flowering under 400W HID (Freebies from a retrofit to flourescents at work- a HPS is in the...
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    Zero reservoir change Lucas Formula?

    I'm on week 8 (3 of flower) on one group, week 5 (about to flower) on another, and both have never had the reservoir changed. I'm experiencing no issues with either group and just started group 3. The reason for doing so is rather simple- I'd read a thread that Lucas had participated in that...
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    **possible heat issue!!!** please help

    86 is a tad high, but not overly worrisome, unless you're on hydro (which you are not, but in which case watch the res temps - 68-70, no higher in res generally) I'm more concerned about 11 degree swings, but again, not overly worrisome there either. I'm guessing the light isn't vented, hence...
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    First Grow; DWC modified cuz I'm lazy

    ScrOG it is, then. Attached is today's status of the plants.
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    First Grow; DWC modified cuz I'm lazy

    I was asked by a friend to build a DWC system for him and figure out Hydro to make it easy for him to do- he wanted a SOG op. As a disabled vet with pain issues, I decided to get a MMP card and try growing myself. Might as well put all that research to personal use. 1st grow is Aurora...
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    Flora Nova, DWC, high PH problems.

    Need more info, but clearly there's a problem. What's the water temp; what's the scum look like, is light getting in the res? Something is out of whack. Need to find the root cause and fix it or you'll just be chasing your tail. pH that climbs with scum probably indicates something's growing in...
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    Seeking advice from DWC growers on how to recover from a cabinet meltdown

    Quick Questions: Cabinet size? The size of the cabinet determines the limits of what can be done. Is it completely out of the question to put together another DWC? You mentioned clones to be mothers. They had to be destined to go somewhere else since they can't be in the stealth box- 18/6...
  14. V

    4 Plant DWC Grow (Skywalker OG/Fire OG)

    Two schools of thought on pH. One is to adjust pH in the water, then add nutes, then check pH again, and the other is the opposite. Add nutes, then adjust pH. The first way is easier in practice (monkey it up and go the wrong way, it isn't in the res yet. Just dump it and start over) and...
  15. V

    4 Plant DWC Grow (Skywalker OG/Fire OG)

    Fill res partway, then fill a bucket, add nutes, add to reservoir. Never mix the concentrates straight- always add to water. Always do it in a seperate bucket, and add the nutes to water. They'll react and lock out nutes. Dumping into reservoir straight can burn roots and kill them. Best way...
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    New Grower, Bubble Setup, Help Please

    Well, in the order I'd work on it from given a tight budget: 1. Get the PH down 5.5-6.3. Yes, vinegar (use distilled white vinegar) will work to go down, and run of the mill Baking Soda will bring it up, though later I'd suggest getting a pH control kit. 2. Get some serious lighting power on...
  17. V

    My first hydroponics experience, DIY bubbleponic setup

    I'll be following closely, in the same boat. Just built the reservoir setup today. Interesting data on lighting efficiency: Out of sheer stubborness, I'm planning on running six 65 watt CFL's for 390 watts on a 3x3 ScrOG; giving me the...
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    Building a RDWC myself. Have questions. Need help, hints!

    I've been researching the same subject, with roughly the same parameters for a grow. The most common answer for why hard PVC is that the rubber and vinyl lines tended to kink or get knocked off the barbs, making a mess, killing plants, etc and then they switched to PVC and the problems went...