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  1. B

    ....Rollitup REPTILE owners thread....

    I like this thread. I have a gecko named Stewart. I've had him for about 2 years now I think.. He's pretty chill (and of course he can roll and smoke his own doobies)
  2. B

    Lights Around Plants?

    Also I've been growing with 6500k cfls and since it's started flowering should I switch to 2700k cfls? I've heard they work best for flowering.
  3. B

    Lights Around Plants?

    No I mean it's 2 sq ft. ^2 means squared.
  4. B

    Lights Around Plants?

    So 2f^2 would be 100 watts?
  5. B

    Lights Around Plants?

    Would having the lights around it make it bushier?
  6. B

    Lights Around Plants?

    I'm growing with cfls and I was wondering if I could put the lights on the sides of the plants instead of overtop to increase grow space in my small box. This is my first grow so I'm using bagseed. I've already thrown out two males and I just found my first female today so I'm pretty excited...