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  1. Ali Haji Sheik

    Flying Dutchman's 'The Original Haze?'

    Hi there - I'm just wrapping my Flying Dutchman original haze grow, and actually had a bad temperature experience I can relate. My girls were in a hydro hut, and one night temperature dipped to 6-7 C. About half the leaves had about 30-50% of the particular leaf die. Also, these girls were...
  2. Ali Haji Sheik

    My First Grow--- White Widow and BC Mango with pics

    So far so good - I'll be watching!
  3. Ali Haji Sheik

    First time grower: W Widow, Original Haze, Big Bud - comments welcome!

    Ok, I know I have the deadest grow journal ever, but, well, I've been busy. Anyway, I do have a question about stench. My haze girl just reeks. I have an exhaust fan with a carbon filter at the end going 24/7, but there is still the perceptible odour of pot. If I shut the fan off, the whole...
  4. Ali Haji Sheik

    HELP~~~~~~~heat problems

    And don't forget the stench control - with an open window and a skunk strain, your neighbors will know exactly what's going on. You'll need to get the window fixed, and come up with some way of filtering the air for the reek of weed.
  5. Ali Haji Sheik

    1st hydroponic grow help

    I'm a complete noob, but I do have to nominate this as one of the most straightforward, helpful posts ever! Even if the OP isn't sold, I do tip my turban to you sir! Thanks!
  6. Ali Haji Sheik

    Shower Cubicle Set-up

    Hmm. The good news is that you've solved the mystery of why one was so much taller than the others. The fact that the remaining two are phenotypically similar means a high likelihood of femininity.
  7. Ali Haji Sheik

    Jack Herer & Thai Stick - First Grow

    Looks great - what are you doing for ventilation? by the way, I'm growing in Fox Farms soil, and swear by the nutes.
  8. Ali Haji Sheik

    Shower Cubicle Set-up

    i'm impressed and I'll be watching! Your ladies look great, and I can't wait to read the "I'm wasted from my home grow harvest" post. Question for you - how much / frequently have you been watering?
  9. Ali Haji Sheik

    Girlyhits Grow Journal

    but the heavier the smell, the better the buds! First time grower here, and your 400w hps is kickin' butt on my 250w hps! Congrats!
  10. Ali Haji Sheik

    1st Grow!

    Welcome to the Boards! Sounds like a great set up, but what's your plan for stench control? Without some kind of carbon filtration system, an open window is just asking for trouble. With my grow, my haze girls just reeked - after two and half weeks of veg. You might want think seriously...
  11. Ali Haji Sheik

    Scarlette's First Grow

    tap tap tap. . . . I'm psyched to see the trychs! Just joshing - congrats on the success so far, and I look forward to reading the "i'm so baked from my home grow" post in a little bit!
  12. Ali Haji Sheik

    Three bushes tied down, 2nd grow

    I'm very impressed - I'm a 250mh/hps guy - may I ask what sort of lights you're using?
  13. Ali Haji Sheik

    First time grower: W Widow, Original Haze, Big Bud - comments welcome!

    Hey ropefish, thanks for the q, but you can get garden stones for the top layer on your soil grow at your local garden or hardware store. Mine are standard plant stones.
  14. Ali Haji Sheik

    First Grow Journal - Fem. Jack Herer

    Whew - you are so far beyond my noob skills it isn't funny - I'm very interested to see how it all turns though! btw, I'm so interested, I gave you the five rating!
  15. Ali Haji Sheik

    GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-

    looking good! I'm very interested to see your yields after a topping - I'm more of the single cola-impatient school of flowering, so I'll be very curious to see what your bushes produce.
  16. Ali Haji Sheik

    First harvest have some questions purp #1 aurora indica

    Shouldn't texas messiah be off doing some good - like busting pedophiles in chat rooms and voting for Ron Paul in the primary?
  17. Ali Haji Sheik

    Aerogarden VS Soil and CFLS

    I know what you mean - I can't tell you how freaked I was when one seedling was a quarter inch taller than the others - I was afraid I was growing a tree!
  18. Ali Haji Sheik

    Aerogarden VS Soil and CFLS

    Your kids should be ok - but remember that in addition to the long white splindly roots that you see, there are also microscopic root hairs that you can't see, and these hairs can be very easily damaged. Root hairs are also responsible for the majority of water and nute absorption. This...
  19. Ali Haji Sheik

    Aerogarden VS Soil and CFLS

    Your girls may look really different at this point, but what you care about is what they look like at harvest! :lol: It's normal for the sprouts to look a bit different at this point - relax and enjoy the grow.
  20. Ali Haji Sheik

    First Closet Grow <:BlUeBeRrY:>

    Looks like you're really going to do this right! Way to go. Looking through it, I had a couple of reactions - first, I'd be worried about what would happen if your water heater broke, and you needed to call a repairman. I'm more of an "in the closet" guy myself. Second, you don't need to...