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    Optic Foliar Foliar spray

    i know this thread is old, but thought i should just add my own 2 cents anyways. i just got free samples of the entiire line from my local hydro dude. idk if its the placebo effect but it seems to have helped perk my plant up. I started it 2 days ago and my plant looks pretty lvely and healthy...
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    Combining organic and chemical nutrients

    i know this is 2 years old, but thought id bump because it answered an important question for me and it might help another
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    No EC meter... How strong should i mix nutrients and how often do i change it?

    i use GH flora series as well and to tbh ive been using the full recommended dosage and sometimes more and have not seen any problems and 3 weeks from seed they are looking perfectly ok except they got stunted for some time due to root rot issues during the first two weeks which were solved with...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    rapid growth! rapid growth! roots are white and thick and hairy! foliage getting taller and wider! Yes! YES! DM Zone! DM Zone! DM Zone!!!!!!
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    found the answer : Good to Know!
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    yeah i think i actually put in an order for some Aquashield actually cause i hear a lot of good reviews for that. I shouldve got that from the beginning i was just afraid of rendering them useless since i would be mixing bennies with chemical nutes you know? But whatever each mistake is a...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    nah theres definitely some type of build up that is occuring and not just root staining but idk what it is. I know GH micro does stain the roots. the roots continue to grow as does the foliage but its a bit slow. the brown stuff isnt slimy nor mucky or anything. it almost looks like little...
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    DWC, 6 week old seedlings, no roots growth, sadness

    did this ever work for you?
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    so i dont think Zone was the answer to my problems. The brown stuff is back with a vengeance. Not too bad, but not good. Gonna try a peroxide dunk tonight. Can someone just detail how i should do it? Do i just change the res and sterilize with the peroxide and/or bleach and then also add...
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    A DWC GROW-torial

    this thread literally hurts whenever i see it. freaking fastest grow ive seen from seedling.
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    haha wait i had a serious question interspersed in that long ramble! if the roots dries out a bit will it affect the plant? also has anyone ever used DM Gold Zone? and is the plant size average for its age? if found a video with plants that look almostexaclly like mine except mine are 1 week...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    Im basically following the schedule given by GH and ive seen no problem with the feeding aspect. I purchased some Dutch Master Gold Zone yesterday because I had some brown algae that killed off one plant and i noticed that the other two looked a litttle dirty so I changed out the res and cleaned...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    think it would be alright to leave the seedlings in the sun? i only have an 80 watt cfl light system right now that i keep on 20/4, so i was thinking that leaving the seedlings on my balcony under the summer sun would not only save a little money, but provide better light for them as well. but...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    thanks for the advice i should be getting ppm meter by next week and possible a digital ph meter rather than these strips. i figured out why the growth seemed slower than expected (or at least i think i found out why), i was using 27k cfls nstead of 6500. the first leaves hopefully will start...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    yeah im trying to stop being that over protective daddy and just let the plant grow. i just checked on it this morning and surprisingly there was little or possible no growth over the past 12 hours though. i think it has to do with the fact that they only have a single root, but i mean evn those...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    ok I got it now thanks a lot to you both. as for the humdity dome, im not sure how i can accoplish that as of now. the single roots are pretty long now, about 2"-3". If i move the seedliings out of the bubble system now im pretty sure i would crush the root :( ...and im kind of afraid to touch...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    Ok when exactly do you start this though? And once again, whats the feeding schedule like? Meaning do i add this amount every day or once every week? thanks fo the help.
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    are you sure? they JUST sprouted and kicked off their shell casings. But still my question wasnt really answered...sorry. I mostly want to know if I need to add nutes everyday or once a week, and since im using a water pump to drip feed the plants as well, do I keep that constantly running or...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    thanks for the reply. ill still have to get a proper ph meter as right now im using only the strips. as well as lighting. i need lights. but my question was more as to the actual feeding regiment. to ask it simply, how do you feed your plants if you have a similar system that i described above...
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    How to feed plant with nutes?

    well its my first grow and as of now i have 3 seedlings that have just sprouted and those little midget leaves just spread. I dont have a camera so i cant provide any pics. I really just want to know the general practice of feeding such as the amount, duration, and periods that you feed or...