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  1. E

    hps ballast

    I accidentally plugged in my 1000w hps while the ballast was on last night. did I damage my set up? there was some static electricity when I plugged it in
  2. E

    week old clones (please help!)

    okay thank you. so i got some doctor doom and applied that. pulled the one that i figured had powder mold and sprayed that with a tiny bit of dawn and water mixture. i've already had two die on me which i guess is pretty common, so no big deal. should have gotten a little bit bigger order to...
  3. E

    week old clones (please help!)

    can somebody please help me out! i don't know if i should be worried about transplanting right away! all i have figured out is that maybe the grow media is still to wet (over watering) or a mag deficiency. anybody?
  4. E

    week old clones (please help!)

    how's it going! didn't particularly know where this thread should be placed but just picked up some cuts from my buddy last night and am trying to figure out a little bit more about them. i have a few grows under my belt now but have either just started from seed or gotten teens. the clones are...