Search results

  1. Pepe Le Pew 420

    OREGON Northeast, Top Shelf Meds in the Desert

    LOL.....Funny shit ! ! ! Come on Luther lighten up, you pop on here bored and start poking around and even take a couple of pokes with a sharp stick at me. Sounds like your one of those local Dirt Clods who has self apointed him self into God like statis. Another thing Luther, I'm as...
  2. Pepe Le Pew 420

    OREGON Northeast, Top Shelf Meds in the Desert

    Luther Luther Listen my friend We have the very best clean Air, soil, the best organic furtilizers, mountain spring water, and a sun that just doesn't seem to ever stop shining. It's so hard to mess up your grow over here so you can focas on having nothing but top shelf Meds. Luther I would...
  3. Pepe Le Pew 420

    OREGON Northeast, Top Shelf Meds in the Desert

    I'm a OMMP card holder Grower. I'm looking at picking up a couple new patients ( Card Holders ) only. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: WARNING: My Meds are of the highest Strength and Quality suited for Patients in great pain...
  4. Pepe Le Pew 420

    OREGON (north-east) Pendleton area....Looking for Patients in need.

    I'm a OMMP card holder Grower. I'm looking at picking up a couple new patients ( Card Holders ) only. WARNING: My Meds are of the highest Strength and Quality suited for Patients in great pain. All parts of any dealings with me MUST stay 100% legal, so please don't ask me to cut any corners...
  5. Pepe Le Pew 420

    Annual Fees doubling...

    You would think as many people that are on here that get stoned most every day.................. Would be a little nicer and not at everyones throat ? ! ?
  6. Pepe Le Pew 420

    How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

    Thank you for the help.......
  7. Pepe Le Pew 420

    Stoney Girl...

    LOL.................. I'm new on here (rollitup) and after reading, well it's like a soap opera. OK, tell me more about the Ugly wife ! ? ! Hell who needs a TV anyway........
  8. Pepe Le Pew 420

    OREGON (north-east) Pendleton area....Looking for Patients in need.

    Yes, I still have one spot open for a Patient. Thank you for all the Emails. Anyone who wants to ask any questions please feel free, That's why we have this site to help each other.
  9. Pepe Le Pew 420

    OREGON (north-east) Pendleton area....Looking for Patients in need.

    NO NO...... that was cool, I want anyone at all who wants to write me to feel free. If anyone at all has any questions please feel free to email at or Facebook me (pepe le pew) I'll be the only pepe with a (J) in hand.
  10. Pepe Le Pew 420

    OREGON (north-east) Pendleton area....Looking for Patients in need.

    Sure, I'll have four types to pick from. If you have (any) Questions please write me a line. All I ask is everything stays above the table. Thank you ! ! !
  11. Pepe Le Pew 420

    OREGON (north-east) Pendleton area....Looking for Patients in need.

    Hello friends of a feather, I'm a OMMP Card holder x2 (Patient & Grower) and will be glad to help someone from the north east part of Oregon. I've never planed growing for others in the past, but I see to many doing with out over here in the desert. I would NEVER do anything ILLEGAL so...