Search results

  1. M

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    New guy here, been registered but haven't posted alot, done a few successful soil grows. Seems like you guys have alot of experience with this ebb and flow setup. I have been wanting to switch to hydro, I would do the 12 pot setup. My first question is do you need to fill the res all the way...
  2. M

    Need alittle On First Time Setup

    ok guys i need some input here. I am going to be setting up my first grow setup. This is currently what i am looking at getting. Let me know your thoughts and opinions. I would add the 2nd bubbleponics upgrade to the resevoir...
  3. M

    Hello to the rollitup community

    Hello all, i have done some google searching and alot of my searches have turned up this site many of times. So i figured i would join and see what is the deal. I used to grow awhile ago, i wasn't very good at it. To make a long story short i messed up 2 grows 30 plants in each one, i gave up...