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    Thanks, Stoner...yours was the most informative/helpful of the replies i've received so far.
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    i've heard from years back about feeding pot plants molassas, but i don't know anything about the specifics: what stage, how often...??:?:
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    Hi BreadTruck...thanks for the reply. I don't believe lack of sunlight is the problem: all my...

    Hi BreadTruck...thanks for the reply. I don't believe lack of sunlight is the problem: all my plants were germinated at the same time from random seeds. All but this one developed normally and progressed at about the same rate, with the same daylight exposure, fertilizer/watering schedule, etc...
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    pollen sources

    Do anyone know of a commercial, online source for marijuana pollen?
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    leafy female

    I have a female plant, about 110 days old. This plant is excessively leafy, even at this stage of development. There are bracts and white/brown hairs all over the branches and arms, but buried way inside. The plant is densely covered w/many single-finger leaves, making more every day. It's as...