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  1. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    This has been going on for 6 weeks on the moms...
  2. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Not BB... 3 diff. strains... NLxBigBud & Superskunk from Nirvana & Euforia from Dutch Passion. The Euforia plant was the first to start all of this nonsense before it "spread" to the others one by one. Unless mold or mildew is invisible, I don't have it. The res temps are about 65F most of the...
  3. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Mine? No. NLxBigBud & Superskunk from Nirvana, and Euforia from Dutch Passion. Not the best strains, but all should be easy to grow while I dial everything in.:wall: bongsmilie
  4. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    I'll keep you posted Gygax1974! I sure hope I figure this thing out soon, it's very stressful and frustrating. At least we're not alone here on the forums.
  5. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Well, I just finished with installing intake fans and running a smaller exhaust in the flowering room. Negative pressure was definitely present. The rooms are much more balanced now. Let's see if this helps. If negative pressure is bad for plants, then I was doing them no favors...:roll:
  6. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Microscope, no. But under 10x magnification there is no evidence of mold anywhere. I'm wiring up the new fans as we speak...
  7. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    ok, I just checked the ppm of CO2 and it appears to be normal... about 400-500pmm... about what I'd expect given no CO2 enrichment. I'm going to add a 500cfm fan each to the fresh air intakes and make the exhaust fans 250cfm pulling through the carbon filters for both rooms. We'll see how that...
  8. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Yeah, I think I'm going to run down to the home depot and pick up some in-line fans for the fresh air intakes. It's still nighttime for the plants for the next couple hours, so I can work on this...
  9. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    All the books I have say the same thing... clear the room in under 5 minutes... The intakes and exhausts are on the opposite sides of the rooms. Intake in 2 feet off the floor in one corner, with the exhaust pulling through a carbon filter way up high in the opposite corner. There is some...
  10. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    No, that's just over 600 cubic feet, not square feet. Veg is roughly 7.5x8'x8' and flowering room is 7.5'x8'x10.5'. I've always understood it to be something like... able to clear the room in 3-5 minutes. 3-5 times per minute sounds extreme to me, but I've been wrong before.
  11. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    I do need to check the ppm for CO2. I haven't done so yet since I have the fresh air intake set up like I do. I welcome the advise however, and will see about picking up a cheap testing kit.
  12. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    No. I've been planning on getting this cool CO2 controller but it's not out yet and I don't the funds anyway. Nevertheless, I need to do some kind of cheap reading to at least get a ballpark figure. Does anyone know what plants look like when CO2 is too low?
  13. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Yup. And the the problem happens first to the plants closer to the door, not the fresh air intake. There is nothing flying around in there. I suppose it could be some sort of bacteria or something, but it's nothing I've ever seen. Anyway, here's some new pics that show how the older lower...
  14. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    I will say that I have no problem will trying a remedy if it does not hurt the plants.
  15. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    It doesn't look anything like this. It's not a substance on the leaf, it's the physical characteristic of the leaf itself.
  16. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Not a bad idea at all. I'll see what I can do. As far as mold goes though, it doesn't make sense when you consider the way it spreads. Older lower leaves stay perfectly healthy. This is new growth only, or when a leaf still has a little growing left.
  17. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Everything is new. Although I should say the house is over 100 years old. These are brand new room with brand new plants grown from seed. There is absolutely no evidence of mold at all. Besides, its drought like conditions. Its barely humid enough for the plants most days. I ran the exhaust fans...
  18. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Not sure but doubt it (airborne, that is. No lose insullation. I just built the 2 rooms up there. The plants have always been there. I was working on the flowering room while I had plants from seed in the just finished veg. room. Interesting to note though... The problem didn't occur until the...
  19. G

    Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

    Hello everyone. First of all, I'm not a novice grower, and have never really had any problems growing in the past, despite growing indoors in less than ideal conditions (too hot, plants getting to close to the lights, miracle grow, etc...). I've started growing again at a different location and...