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  1. K

    Beginning A Lifelong Quest For Perfection.

    Thanks guys, my internet shat it's pants and I only got it fixed about 2 hours ago, unhappy customer >.< lol. Yeah, Hank, if I go for the HPS system, I most likely won't do a closet grow, ill just use my spare room, and have a few small grows seperate around the room. That way I can stop it from...
  2. K

    1k 9 Plant Og Kush (lst) Scrog

    Dude, that is some fucking nice looking marijuana! It turned me on so much im gonna have to roll me a doobie :D Thanks for the journal bro, looking forward to the next one. Let us know how much yield you get?
  3. K

    Beginning A Lifelong Quest For Perfection.

    Thanks guys. Is Ed's book worth purchasing? Like, does it have information that will help me right from the word go? Thanks for the info on the lights man, it's going to help alot. Is it possible to have to many lights if I have good ventilation? And will it stun the growth if I have different...
  4. K

    Beginning A Lifelong Quest For Perfection.

    First off, thanks heaps for the replys. They will help me alot when my time comes to begin growing :D Mkay, i'm thinking about ordering 'Jorge Cervantes - Indoor Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor Bible' to start with, and buying my first issue of high times (the start of a lifelong collection...
  5. K

    Beginning A Lifelong Quest For Perfection.

    So, i recently moved into my own house, after a life of being held back, i plan to start growing my own weed in the hope of one day becoming great, but, I understand, everbody has to start somewhere. I have done alot of research, but everything i read seems to give a different idea of what is...