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  1. C

    Whats with that?

    I am experiencing the same thing, (but no street lights for miles!) All are supposed to be Northern Lights, but one is producing buds and others just beginning to flower. I will be keeping the seeds from the early one separate for next year's grow.
  2. C

    Would this work for growing in a swamp?

    Trash bags work both ways: They keep water in and they keep water out. How are you going to deal with the problem of excessive rain? I'd try to use gravity to your advantage by finding or creating a high point in the swamp.
  3. C

    My girls are retarded!

    Well since the weather has been mild, I left a couple of plants unharvested..... until yesterday. I was in a hurry so I didn't get a chance to see what they look like under the loupe, but a cold front was moving in, so I grabbed them. They smell stronger than the ones I yanked a month ago. This...
  4. C

    Growing Outdoors During Winter

    I don't really see the point of planting outside this early in a state where you can expect a couple of feet of snow! (I used to live there). The buds will be ready at the same time, whether you plant now or in April, assuming you're not planting autos. In the meantime, just head on down to...
  5. C

    My girls are retarded!

    They were planted in April. They're big and frosty, but no amber trichs! C'mon, its December already! Days are down to 10 hours! We've had a couple of hard frosts, but they're hanging in there. The fan leaves are mostly gone. The strain is a sativa dominant, but the seeds are second...
  6. C

    Drop seed into dirt?

    Way back in high school, I scattered some bag seeds in a freshly planted corn field and just kicked some dirt over them. I came back once to check on them and pulled some weeds out, then a few months later to harvest. I filled a couple of trash bags with the harvest (including leaves). But...
  7. C

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    I've had a couple of frosts so far, but the girls are still looking good. Most of the fan leaves are gone. I have noticed that, at least where I am, the frost is only in the lower elevations. Also, although you can really see the white frosty pasture, it doesn't seem apparent in the woods...
  8. C

    product of 2nd generation seeds

    Last year, in my first attempt, I obtained a random assortment of seeds from a seed bank, and ended up with 3 mature female plants, two Indica dominants and one Sativa. I had intentionally let last year's crop pollinate so I would have more seeds with which to experiment. This year, having...
  9. C

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    Where I am, hunters are not allowed to hunt at night. They go out in the evening and early morning. You should be fine during most of the day. If you find a dear-cam, replace your pictures with gay porn.
  10. C

    Has anyone ever had their gun stolen, but later recovered?

    Did you grow it OUTDOORS????
  11. C

    What is the best way to dry buds out of your house/shed?

    I have the same problem. I'm contemplating one of those Rubbermaid mini-sheds that I can stash in the woods somewhere.
  12. C

    Still not doing anything..?

    I second that. You've got nothing to lose by waiting. Maybe mother nature will be kind. Last year one of mine went to December. It snowed later on the day I chopped her.
  13. C

    Too late to clone outdoors?

    If I top some of the Sativa girls to make clones now that they're showing their sex, will I have fewer buds, or will the moms recover sufficiently? What about the Indica that's already flowering?
  14. C

    Minor heart-break

    Big Bertha turned out to be Big Bob. Its heartbreaking because he is 10 feet tall! Not sure if I want to chop him or not - obviously had good growth genetics. Probably take down this weekend.
  15. C

    Stealth Drying Cabinet

    Nice drying cabinet, but stealthy????? You forgot to hang a sign of the front that says, "NO MARIJUANA DRYING IN HERE!"
  16. C

    My first grow.

    Plants look good, but seriously, why not use the whole container?
  17. C


    Pine trees grow in acidic soil which is not so good for weed. They also shed needles and cones, which are not good for your growth environment. On the other hand, small pine trees can provide great camoflage. My plots are surrounded by pines.
  18. C


    That will work, but your plants won't be as big or lush as if you had used better soil. Believe me, I didn't want to spend the money for Fox Farms or even peat moss, but the results are worth the cost.
  19. C


    Not all red clay is alkaline - here in Georgia, the clay is very acid. I tried amending the soil last year with lime, top-soil and other stuff - maybe in enough years it would be ok. This year I dug holes and filled them with peat moss, composted cow manure and composted mushroom. It makes a...
  20. C

    South Carolina Predictions

    South Carolina is dominated by poorly educated, christian Fox-tards. They shouldn't even be allowed to vote.