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  1. B

    400w metal halide light

    i just got a 400w metal halide light and i was wondering how far away from my plant it should be my plant has been budding under my fluorescent setup for a wile now let me know.
  2. B

    check out my baby girl :D so happy

    so heres my set up its a aerogarden light set up above my baby girl in soil things seem to be working great and there have been hairs on her for about 10 days now whats the average time untill harvest, ive never had a successfull grow before so i dont know
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    Oh My Female!

    I'm so happy I've allways wanted a girl
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    Oh My Female!

    please for the love of god tell me that this is a female i just went and looked at my baby and noticed for the first time these little white hairs and im near positive its a girl im so excited check out these pics i took with my phone!
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    Check Out My Grow So Far :D

    just postin some pics plants are getting old i dont remember when i planted them but there gowing fast under 3 florescent grow lights :D letme know what you guys think im inexperienced theyve been under 12/12 for a wile now idk if there going to bud anytime soon or whats up.
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    Too Early for 12/12?

    what would be better for blossom 10-30-20? or 20-20-20? also with that how often should i feed the plant? when it was younger i was giving it 30-10-10.
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    Too Early for 12/12?

    this is like my third grow first few times were unsuccessful :[ im feeling really optimistic about this one though its still small but it smells so good its definatly more then 2 weeks in it had legit like a month of 24 hour light maybe im over reacting but it had a long time and its been in 12...
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    Too Early for 12/12?

    this is my new baby not sure how long its been growing but i had it under 24 hours for a longg time its the upgraded aerogarden fluorescent lights definatly more powerfull then a normal aerogarden and its planted in soil not the normal aerogarden reservoir. i recently put it to 12 hours of light...