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  1. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    say no more Billy lol. Nice pics pavement50 my bro is growing some outside and just found a hermi so he is bricking it at the mo lol but he did say they have been quite stressed D'oh
  2. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    dont mind straight to the point but show a little evidence for your cause :roll: (dont mind me just been a long month with wedding plans, car blowing breaking down and the old man in an out of hospital with cancer D'oh) Things are looking up now though so thats sweet just still on the come down...
  3. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    look whatever airwave nice ad prick. just drop this shite cos everyone has a different opinion on many things and you debate well you nonce.
  4. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey billy hows you mate. I know and this is what i am saying, bring in the skill and not the lazy bastards. This is still the governments fault i am not the 1 lettin them in am i so as i said rather than some sort of Neo-Nazi party we need a party that will do this. Like i said this country is...
  5. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I agree dura and it makes sense too but that still does not mean you should blame the immigrants. Stop the government from ruinin this country more and i didnt say we invited them because we were empty what i said was as they were classed as part of the common wealth we couldnt stop them commin...
  6. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fair play and dam right A/V all the way. like i said we all allowed own opinion but maybe read a history book or 2 and you might realise why this country is so multi-cultural
  7. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Too right mate they want to get richer by stamping on the poor like they have for 100s of years. we should rise up against this government. Revolution people lol. (dont riot and loot i might end up in nick for in-sighting violence lmao)
  8. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hey del good to see you boys still about lol. Yeah loved there peace pipes too ;)
  9. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    maybe cos you should be leaving comments on the torrents, i hate rants on torrent sites just tell me if film or whatever is good quality or not.
  10. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    mate everyone is allowed own opinion eh. People just make me laugh i was born here and i am white but how can you complain about Indians, we owned there country and made them part of the common wealth (which technically made them British) maybe if our rulers kept there egos a little smaller all...
  11. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    just make sure you dont fuck any by mistake and you will be just fine i am sure :)
  12. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    dura whats that mate you been ill, sorry to hear that ( or was it just you on a good night out lol). My 1 600w was real hot so if you go down the 600 route add few fans to keep the temp down a bit :) :weed:
  13. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Mate our country is a soft touch and if you are a brit you have next to fuck all rights in your own country but we all know this and it wont change over night. joining the EDL or some other Nazi party doesnt help either as most so called British are probley not true brit anyway as we been ruled...
  14. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Lmfao i bet you hate racists dude along with all the spicks, dagos waps,slant eyes and niggers eh roflmfao :clap:
  15. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Oh my god, fixed fucking lap top and it broke, fixed again and it broke and now i have fixed again so fingers crossed it lasts more than a week this time or i am gonna fuck it a the wall as hard as i can, car fucked up and had to get another and getting married 11th nov which we decided the last...
  16. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I vegged 4 weeks aswell will do the same i think next grow and see how we go but will be trying some AK next grow me thinks :)
  17. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    cheers dura mate yeah hope so thinking this weekend maybe next with a bit of luck loads of light brown hairs coming and buds have packed out this last week so come on girls daddys waiting lol
  18. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hey guys bloody charge cable on laptop went so had to wait for new 1. took few pics last week as you can see still had few problems with the leaves drying. close up pics are from today and not long to go i think :clap: still have a few drying leaves but pic them off every time i see them and...
  19. Gavstar76

    The UK Growers Thread!

    sorry its a bit late but good luck billy :)