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  1. M

    Why am I not high?

    Yeah i've made brownies before with a crockpot and oil. Edibles take you to outerspace man, you just use so much cooking them and then poof, all your edibles are gone. So you think I can use a gram of duff to make some has with iso? That'd be super cool cause I have about that now. I'll get...
  2. M

    Why am I not high?

    I thought about making hash with 90% iso, some pyrex and strainers. What would be the min duff to get anything worthwhile in your opinion?
  3. M

    Why am I not high?

    Yeah after you mentioned it I looked it up and most people are calling for about a z of duff and I just don't smoke that much. That much duff would take an eternity for me to gather smoking 3-4 grams a week ya know? I just wanna chuck two grams of duff into some brownies and hope for the best...
  4. M

    Why am I not high?

    Tell me more about cooking with vaped bud. I've been loading and just smoking it. After a few little buds vaped I just jam them in my pipe, they light up and I only get a few hits out of the dry ass brown buds. How much would I need to actually be able to cook with it and get something out of...
  5. M

    Why am I not high?

    Update: Picked up a new strain and tried it with my new vapolution. It took some fiddling, some burnt smoke and some reading to get it working right and now that i have WOW. Pretty baked. I've never vaped before but I used tiny little nugs and got a whole lot out. Im glad this solved my...
  6. M

    Why am I not high?

    I imagine come Jan Washington will start to shape up the same way. Sounds like a better deal for me all around anyways. Hopefully I can be there by next christmas. I'd love to actually be able to know and understand the strands I'm getting. I'm very much a beer snob and I know good weed but I...
  7. M

    Why am I not high?

    We're actually planning to relocated near washington soon.
  8. M

    Help me pick a vape!

    It'll be here Monday. I'll let everyone know something then.
  9. M

    Why am I not high?

    Yeah it doesn't look quite like that but I know it's the best quality I can reasonably obtain. I'm not all that exp with medical strains though.
  10. M

    Why am I not high?

    Cause I'm poor and shit's scarce around here, you get what you can. I went with the crowd favorite and bit the bullet. I just smoked more (and with a GB, made em before, used to have one but didn't really think of it. Mad props) Im still looking forward to when I start working again so I'll...
  11. M

    Why am I not high?

    I don't know why but since I'm newer to the forums people assume I'm new to weed. I'm not. I know my weed and this isn't the first strain that's been ineffective lately. Had some mids last week that didn't do shit.
  12. M

    Why am I not high?

    No I mean it's super well cured, I can tell it's top-tier shit. I think I've just smoked way to damn much lately. :/ You know how some smoke is really dense and other stuff is more airy and spongey? This stuff is super fluffy then I grind it and it makes it 100X worse. :/
  13. M

    Why am I not high?

    If it's more potent and it can last about as long, I'll do it. The stuff I got now is too soft and spongey, it lights up like a firework and a bowl is ash in just a few hits, no matter how deep I pack it. :/
  14. M

    Why am I not high?

    I don't have the equipment to make stuff to dab (I dunno?) and I sure can't buy it in my parts. I'd have to make it. Got a thread handy on the matter? Also it's the Vapolution. Hrm. Too late now, lol
  15. M

    Why am I not high?

    Ehh, trying to err on the cheap side. I'll be smoking less next week. I was just wondering if you could do anything to easily enhance a high or something.
  16. M

    Why am I not high?

    It's probably a tolerance, I've noticed it I just but it was much less gradual than I expected. 10 minutes may be overshooting it but I feel like i need to smoke more to get the same high Ive got a vaporizer coming in soon, think it'll help?
  17. M

    Why am I not high?

    It's more that I can't keep my high for very long, than anything else. I don't gorge or do physical activities to burn the high I just vegg and I'm only high ten and twenty minutes at a time.
  18. M

    Why am I not high?

    Nah man, I know my bud this shit is legit. I think I may just have to do what others said and take a little hiatus.
  19. M

    Why am I not high?

    Hah, I ain't got the money to be smoking like that now. This Cali Kush ain't cheap.
  20. M

    Why am I not high?

    I'm smoking 20 a g loud and it's not keeping me high. It nor mids. I don't smoke schwag so I wonder what the problem is. Help me fix my high. :joint: Sure, I've been smoking a bit lately but I don't see why I have such a tolerance to it. Im smoking 2 and three bowls of solid kush. :/