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  1. N

    Tobacco Mosaic Virus! Serious! With pics!

    dead wrong cigarrete smoke gives off carbon monoxide not what we want carbon dioxide!!!
  2. N

    Tobacco Mosaic Virus! Serious! With pics!

    it is VERY possible that you may have tobacco mosiac virus i had it on my crop & it started with the same symptons you have on your the brown blotches,i happen to be a smoker & before i knew anything about this virus i would smoke around my plants,@ 1st i thought it was nute lockout & ph i...
  3. N

    Is smoking tobacco/weed around your growing plants bad?

    cigarette smoke has carbon monoxide not what we want carbon dioxide,it will harm your plants dependind on how often you smoke & if its in the same room,they will get mosaic virus trust me it happened to me!
  4. N

    Does Tobacco smoke harm the plants?

    I hate to say it but it does affect your MJ plants,i always thought if anything they would benefit from it,cause of the co2,NOT,cigarettes put out carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide,& MJ plants can easily get mosaic virus like tomatoes & or vegetables,believe me i just lost a crop to it my grow...
  5. N

    bagseed beauty! how long till i taste her? lots of pics :)

    thats some bad ass looking bag seed,freaky looking,looks like it'll be some potent shit considering you have nurtured it,properly,keep upthe good work bro...
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    Hermaphrodite plant?

    sorry to break it to u but from looking at your pics it is a hermie...
  7. N

    Bubbleponic grow Journal!! (pics

    i think in my opinion you have a way to strong of a light for such a small tent that size thats why you ran into trouble with heat issues,a tent that size should imo have a 150 hps or maybe a 250 hps...
  8. N

    Hello everyone!

    hi,everyone i been also looking around & reading many forums without posting a thing im a noob also as far as DWC goes have to say i've learned alot reading many forums from rollitup,so thanks to all you growers will be in touch...
  9. N

    Purple Kush Wilting during dark (night) cycle

    I too have same issue,problem with my plants wilting heavily during dark period also,i was very concerned thinking they were dying on me,but by the time the light cycle goes back on there up & looking fine again, wish i could answer your question,but i'm looking for an answer myself,i've googled...