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  1. H

    Mormon's V.S. Black people (And more)

    You did this homie. I was crying laughing at these Mormans, lol. They and those magic underwear are a mess!
  2. H

    Activated Charcoal/Carbon Filter diffusers will absorb THC!

    Good info. I thought I was being extra smart when I stuffed some activated carbon filter in my bong, lol. Wow...
  3. H

    air circulation...blowing directly on them

    I agree. Thanks for the information. I actually had one being wind burned.
  4. H

    Help Please: New leaf growth suddenly went skinny, tiny???

    bump! This is happening to me too. Can anyone help??
  5. H

    July promo from the tude...

    I agree with you all on the tray. I opened my pack today I was like wtf? Am I supposed to do something with this flyer? lol. Anyway, the free beans were awesome and I can't wait! Attitude is the best!
  6. H

    Attitude Seeds

    Well, I just got my beans from Attitude today to the Southern USA and it took 9 days. I did not get the stealth and I chose original packaging. Sorry you didn't get your order, but Attitude rocks for me!