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  1. medmefreely

    Pressing Cannabis Butter, Type of Press?

    for small batches use a ricer it has a small strainer basket to put your mix in with an arm that as you squeeze the handle together presses the mix thru leaving the pulp in basket... you have to do spoonfulls at a time tho and have good grip strength to get the best of the butter pressed... i...
  2. medmefreely

    Medicating With Menthol Cannabis

    i simply put my rolled joints in a hardpack menthol cig pack with one or two cigs left in it on one end and the joints absorb the menthol aromas n flavor to give you a light pleasant taste
  3. medmefreely

    Alcohol Tincture

    New to this website and wowzers what an awesome thread! i'm only on page 5 and i've gained so much info and insight THANK YOU!! i'm super interested in the glyceryin tincs and just finally was able to purchase a small bottle at the health food store.. it was expensive there and i'm searching for...
  4. medmefreely

    Bhang Stove Top

    actually bhang as i'm reading it is more than just cannabis infused milk and is a long process involving use of Curds/whey (can't rememeber which), blanched almonds and fruit... cannabis infused milk like cannabutter can be used in any recipe calling for milk and just like eatin brownines or...
  5. medmefreely

    Getting Your Money's Worth From Your Weed

    all that plant matter can be hard on your digestive system you're better off doing a second soak, rinse and strain.. or throw your reclaimed weed in an alcohol tincture to draw the last of it out
  6. medmefreely

    Marijuana Tea? What?

    i'm just beginning to experiment with other ways of medicating than smoking but from what i'm getting as i read is that while THC is not water soluble alot of the other 60 or so cannabinoids that help with pain, anxiety and high blood pressure are... i just got a batch of scrap and trim with...
  7. medmefreely

    Glycerin Tincture 101

    i'm fascinated with the idea of a glycerin tinc as it would have no effect on blood sugar and i worry that with an alcohol based tinc all the alcohol wouldn't evaporate off ... don't want the alcohol want the cannabinoids..