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  1. B

    New to Hydroponics

    bump! the guy above has good questions lol
  2. B

    New to Hydroponics

    ok i will definately look in to this cloning then. thanks for the input. what do you think about maybe a couple of aqua farms or power growers then? Water Farm WaterFarm - complete | Hydroponic Growing Systems Power Grower PowerGrower Eco - Complete | Hydroponic Growing Systems
  3. B

    New to Hydroponics

    bump please
  4. B

    New to Hydroponics

    clones? im not versed up enough yet i guess. no worries to me though, thats y im asking ?s since i dont plan to do this until at least april. anyways say i was only want 6 plants and used a General Hydroponics EcoGrower. Would this be a good idea? Here is a pic...
  5. B

    New to Hydroponics

    ok so i have tried to search it but couldn't find an answer. would a General Hydroponics Water Farm be a good drip system for a beginners first attempt at hydro? or do i need something bigger? i'm not quite sure on how many gallons = 1 plant so... yah. help is appreciated