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  1. M

    Please someone awnser me ASAP!!! lights on

    Thanks for all the replys guys!
  2. M

    Please someone awnser me ASAP!!! lights on

    What do you mean by medical?
  3. M

    Please someone awnser me ASAP!!! lights on

    Thanks so should i just let the timer on regular time or change something
  4. M

    Please someone awnser me ASAP!!! lights on

    I just got in a fight with my gf and i had to grab something from up stairs in my grow room and i hit the light switch on for like 10 seconds and forgot my plants are on 12-12 week 3 and i dont know what i should do!!! it was room light bulb not hood light i turned it off real quick couldnt have...
  5. M

    Check out the advanced nutrients and low prices on this site!!!

    LOL prices? those prices are double the prices at my local home grown store
  6. M

    Are These Male Or Female?

    im gonna say male
  7. M

    Ballast is Hot as a Mutha....

    i got a digital ballest best thing ive done stays warm never burning hot dont need bricks wood its legit got it for about 100 bucks
  8. M

    Need Help Week 3 Flowering Yellow Leaves Getting Worse

    i dont think great white will work since thats for veg and growing roots??? Are you useing grow big powder or liqued because if your useing the powder it is very very strong i use .3 .4 for a gallon of water and its working great no yellow leaves yet.
  9. M

    fist grow flowers/vegg

    Nice bro!!! im waiting for some people to reply if its to late to strip my girls since they are almost a week in flowering
  10. M

    very first time Growing tips needed!!!

    Ok so i havent toped either is it to late to strip my platns???
  11. M

    very first time Growing tips needed!!!

    Anyone got tips?? i guess i just found out that i gotta cut off most the lower branches wile flowering??? true or false??
  12. M

    buds getting very heavy?

    idk man do you have pics ? your branches probly didnt get strong enuff to hold up the nugs
  13. M

    very first time Growing tips needed!!!

    hey evryone im new to this forum just made a account but i need tips on growing and smell.. im in my 4th day of flowering i will post pics in a bit after 12 hours is up cuz they are in dark,, but anyways i have been veging for 3 and a haf weeks 3rd week they really blasted off after useing a new...