Search results

  1. zhdourden

    Sunshine Systems Growspot led lights.. Thoughts please!

    Thank you for the reply, and the link. I think I will get one and try it out... That and maybe a small panel...Those extenders you linked are exactly what I need. my set up is very small.. generally start off with 2 or 3 wait to sex them and end up with the best female, so only one plant for...
  2. zhdourden

    Sunshine Systems Growspot led lights.. Thoughts please!

    I have wanted to order for a while now. I know it is not something I can use by itself to grow multiple plants or anything like that. My last experience was cfl only and I was curious if anyone had...
  3. zhdourden

    Simple One Site Bubble Cloner...

    I don't want to sound stupid.... I can see the pictures and I've really wanted to make one of these... can you please explain what the things inside the bucket are? You just hook those up to an air pump right? can you link to one online for sale? Is it pretty much this...
  4. zhdourden

    Some Droopy-Ass, Near-Dead-Looking Bitches

    Yea, I wouldn't want to go water someone else's plants anyway.... Because if they aren't at my house, they aren't really mine
  5. zhdourden

    Jackberry ladies from seed, Vertical SCROG, 1k Bare Bulb.

    Are your temps with the 1k bare bulb like that high? Or hard to keep down in the small area you have? You've really inspired me I Bought a 1000 watt hps system about 3 months ago and never used it because of space.
  6. zhdourden

    Jackberry ladies from seed, Vertical SCROG, 1k Bare Bulb.

    WoW. if anything makes me want to do a verticle scrog this is it! Amazing job Picture 9 from the top of your last post i think shows the true potential of the system. and it is easy ... well more easy than a hydro vert set up!! lol Again, amazing job imo.
  7. zhdourden

    Harvest Day 440 Watts CFL

    woulda been much bigger if it finished
  8. zhdourden

    Led design for cfl grow. Would it be viable??? Opinions welcome!

    Thanks for the replies! The picture you posted is very similar to the basic idea. One fixture to maximize lumens without having 20 different lights to hang! lol. I have made a few drawings and I am getting materials today. I'll post either a picture or at least a drawing today.
  9. zhdourden

    Led design for cfl grow. Would it be viable??? Opinions welcome!

    Hello, I dont have any fancy pictures yet but here is my idea, influenced by the ufo led grow lights here: The design is simple ; make a circular fixture, the one i have drawn up uses 16 cfls, I would use the 26 watt cfls. You...
  10. zhdourden

    Dutch Passion Auto BlueBerry CFL/Cardboard Box

    Here are some good pictures I took from a digital camera instead of my phone :mrgreen: hope you like.
  11. zhdourden

    Dutch Passion Auto BlueBerry CFL/Cardboard Box

    Thanks! Yeah, I know the pot size is way overkill, my thinking in that was since it has a limited time to grow I wanted to guarantee it would have more than enough space for its roots. Again thanks for stopping by!
  12. zhdourden

    Dutch Passion Auto BlueBerry CFL/Cardboard Box

    Awesome, Thank you. I just want to know in case some sort of deficiency develops I don't want to just think it is normal.
  13. zhdourden

    Dutch Passion Auto BlueBerry CFL/Cardboard Box

    When do fan leaves become yellowing during flowering normally? Does anyone know a timeline?
  14. zhdourden

    3 weeks from seed does it look to small?

    I grow with cfls and after 3 weeks above ground it should be much bigger...Looks about 8-9 days old imo
  15. zhdourden

    Dutch Passion Auto BlueBerry CFL/Cardboard Box

    Yeah I drilled 1 hole every 2 inches all throughout the bottom, very good drainage. Yeah I diffidently wanted to get nutes but I have no good hydro shops or any nursery's at all really besides walmart/home depot and they have a limited amount. I guess I could order online like I did the seeds...
  16. zhdourden

    Dutch Passion Auto BlueBerry CFL/Cardboard Box

    Hello, I've been lurking here for a very long time, Did my first outdoor this year and trying my first micro grow currently. I have a dp auto blueberry it's 43 days old today, I just used MG soil in a 10 gal Rubbermaid tub for its container. Lol. I'm using 1 300 watt equivalent cfl, I think it...
  17. zhdourden

    small fir its age???

    Yeah I have a dutch passion auto blueberry 43 days today that is about 4 times as tall and 10 times as bushy... Something is wrong
  18. zhdourden

    how to never worry about electricty with hid lights

    I know how you can get caught! someone get your ip address from posting on an online forum, contact the local utilities and police and advise them you illegally steal power and grow marijuana, and then you'll be arrested. Just saying, if you are doing one illegal thing, why do more illegal...
  19. zhdourden

    how to never worry about electricty with hid lights

    Im not going to waste my time reading this entire thread, however, I work for one of the largest electric companies in the USA and we have technicians who do random meter tests/upgrades access issue checks to your meter, and we get bonuses from police and our company if we can help bust people...