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  1. D

    Coca Plant

    nope its the getting a plants clone then the time growing
  2. D

    Coca Plant

    You can't use the seeds due to the rarity ($20,000) and the seeds die quickly so clones are the way to grow the coca plant BUT if you can "get" a coca clone (nice sounding name coca clone) across the DEA lines then .... well tell me because that's as hard as the using of cocaine after you find...
  3. D

    Coca Plant

    You can't use the seeds due to the rarity ($20,000) and the seeds die quickly so clones are the way to grow the coca plant BUT if you can "get" a coca clone (nice sounding name coca clone) across the DEA lines then .... well tell me because that's as hard as the using of cocaine after you find...
  4. D

    how do i pinch or top a plant???

    wall hear when your plants grow thar 7th set of leafs just pinch it at the stem then thay split and 2 stems will grow instad of 1 i hope you grow kick ass weed man