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  1. W

    Is This Botrytis aka" Bud Mold" ??

    sweet, sounds like a plan....thanks smallclosetgrowr
  2. W

    Is This Botrytis aka" Bud Mold" ??

    Ive been shaking the rain off as best i could without being too vigorous....but I dont wanna be losing any more good vegetation, especially so close to harvest....Im thinking, build rain coverage, or cut now to avoid any more mold since it's been raining heaviy lately, whatchu think?
  3. W

    Is This Botrytis aka" Bud Mold" ??

    ya i seen some of those little white mouldy hairs, and ya weve been getting hit these past few weeks with some heavy rainfalls...what do you suggest??
  4. W

    Saving HARVEST from bud rot

    flushing and especially drying and curing are the two most important steps where flavor is a concern.....Yes, a nice long cure is key, but in my experience, flushing is just as important...especially if you want your meds to actually burn, and produce white ash and not black ash in the process...
  5. W

    Grey spots! Fungus or Mold or Deficiencies?

    looks like you have a phosphorous deficiency there bro...
  6. W

    Is This Botrytis aka" Bud Mold" ??

    I was given some old school Thunderfuck....not sure if it is Alaskan or Matanuskan...but I basically just have this one lady in my vegetable garden in between a few tomato plants. I dosed her a few times early on with Medi-One, then a couple more times when her older leaves started to yellow...