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  1. paracelus

    3600 watts for 4x4 space... too much?

    well according to this months issue of high times, who apparently conducted their own test's using the LED UFO pitted against a 400 watt hps, yielded only 5% (by weight, is that obvious, maybe, but ill say it anyway, wanna fight about it, i know people man, seriously, i'll mess you up...naw im...
  2. paracelus

    3600 watts for 4x4 space... too much?

    Aight so here's the deal guys, me and my bro just recently threw down around 5 thousand bone on 9 LED UFO's (which according to the manufacturer throw out around the equivalent of a 400 watt HID (grab a calc, do the math, ok so thats like 3600 watt) which we are intending on using to light our...