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  1. KillWithSkill

    Does anyone know what these are?

    There was no foliage that i could see.
  2. KillWithSkill

    Does anyone know what these are?

    these were up just a couple weeks ago
  3. KillWithSkill

    Does anyone know what these are?

    It very well could be. Most of the pics of crocus on google have some leaves on them, though a few don't seem to. Edit: Yep i believe they're Crocus speciosus. Thanks dragnit
  4. KillWithSkill

    Does anyone know what these are?

    Sorry for the bad quality. As the title states, does anyone have any idea what these may be? They only bloom in the early morning. That's about all the info I have about them. Edit: Also these are in the southeastern US
  5. KillWithSkill

    I give up

    Normally people want indicas to help with sleep and sativas can cause anxiety. I agree with everyone else that said to upcan. Its still very early in flower so the extra room for the roots will help a lot more than the stress of re potting will hurt her in my opinion. good luck with which ever...
  6. KillWithSkill

    Leaf Reversion During Flowering

    most plants will start to lose fingers when flowering until they're down to 3 and 1 finger leafs. its perfectly normal
  7. KillWithSkill

    BUDS turned black

    sorry i wasnt more help lol mold is what i was thinking, but the pics just doesnt look like mold to me. it looks like the plant just changed color but ive never seen one change that much after being chopped so im stumped haha
  8. KillWithSkill

    BUDS turned black

    it really doesnt look like mold in the pics. im not really sure what would cause it to turn color like that tho. i havent ever had any to change that dramatically in color. the hay/oregano smell could be from chopping early. maybe someone else around here will have seen this before
  9. KillWithSkill

    What the Hell is This? Tiny Seeds???? (Pics)

    so then it is a seed(ovule) that never got any action lol good to have confirmation
  10. KillWithSkill

    changed plans!! Going with a closet 2.5 x 2 x 8 ft cycle grow?

    sounds good man. looks like you're on your way to a nice lil stealth grow. good luck and happy growing
  11. KillWithSkill

    BUDS turned black

    the entire bud was green when it was placed to dry? and your positive its black and not purple? does it have a moldy smell? i cant think of anything else that would make it turn black.
  12. KillWithSkill

    The importance of good soil. My recent experience

    I know this is a month old, but i have to ask. Why did you dry the roots? I would have thought that to be a bad idea.
  13. KillWithSkill

    Please help these people

    I like Boutin from what i've seen on the show. He seems like a real stand up guy.
  14. KillWithSkill

    changed plans!! Going with a closet 2.5 x 2 x 8 ft cycle grow?

    So how is everything coming along? good i hope
  15. KillWithSkill

    changed plans!! Going with a closet 2.5 x 2 x 8 ft cycle grow?

    usually you want your intake near the bottom and the exhaust near the top or on top. try to put the vents on opposite sides of your box if you can. temp could come down a little to 80f if you can get it that far down or a couple degrees more would be even better, maybe 78f. the humidity is about...
  16. KillWithSkill

    What the Hell is This? Tiny Seeds???? (Pics)

    yeah i hope so too lmao. but i really do think its a seed that never got any action
  17. KillWithSkill

    What the Hell is This? Tiny Seeds???? (Pics)

    Has anyone else ever noticed these things?
  18. KillWithSkill

    What the Hell is This? Tiny Seeds???? (Pics)

    The smoke i had couldnt have been better lol. it was critical jack i think it is the seed but it just never got fertilized so it never grew and its black/brown because it died. thats just my theory until someone comes and gives the real answer haha i think that the little seeds are always...
  19. KillWithSkill

    What the Hell is This? Tiny Seeds???? (Pics)

    i have seen those in some of my buds before. the pistils are connected to them right? i always thought it was a seed that never got fertilized and therefore never grew any. i have seen them in plants i know for a fact did not get fertilized. im just not real sure if most or all plants have them...
  20. KillWithSkill

    what kind of flower

    I found what looked like good information about Zinnias. I say "looked like" because I haven't grown Zinnias before. haha Hope this might help ya a bit and sorry i'm a little late :-|