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  1. S

    When does it actually start to smell?

    When does the plant smell disappear and the buds take on their real smell you know like when its ready to hit? Does it smell more distingushed when it cures because mine is in is down now and hope it starts to smell stronger,'s lemon kush and that usually stinks up a room. Just curious
  2. S

    chemo strain

    Vancouver seed bank is way cheaper and shipping is free......I just bought ten and whats really nice about this strain is that theres no heavy funky smell but just as potent Sully
  3. S

    chemo strain

    872 East Hastings Street Vancouver, BC (778) 329-1930 Please tell them sully from the rock referred you ok dude
  4. S

    600W indoor auto grow,serious problems,lots of pics,help vastly appreciated

    your humidity is fine it will rise as ur plants get bigger. Are you using fertilizer because they are small plants and they dont need much, if so just cut back a little. By looking at your soil its not over watering and if it was your humidity would be higher than 30 and if ur using fert you...