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  1. D

    first auto flower grow ,,,russian rocket fuel,any tips would be apprecciated

    Thanks for the reply, I'm finally seeing a very few amber trichs, so at least I know what to be looking out for on this strain.
  2. D

    first auto flower grow ,,,russian rocket fuel,any tips would be apprecciated

    Thanks for this - I'm just finishing 7 weeks in soil, so it's very helpful. How many weeks overall did you grow from seed to harvest in the soil? About 9.5 it looks like from your thread? My 4 RRF ladies are in one big (18 gallon, probably about 1 square meter of surface area) tub, along...
  3. D

    What am I seeing here?

    Yeah, they're pretty freaky. It's kind of hard to see, but what happens is those nanners start out with a more or less round cross-section, then they do a "nanner split" opening out along the long axis. Thanks for the props on my photos... BTW, my photography secret? iPhone 4 using Camera Plus...
  4. D

    What am I seeing here?

    Update: Indeed MOST of those "nanners" are opening up and dropping pollen finally, long after the original, normal round ones did. Still, here's an image from one of the hermaphrodite's branches I attempted to pollinate. Am I looking at seeds developing now? You can see the last vestiges of...
  5. D

    What am I seeing here?

    First time grow, using autoflower Snowryder. These were my "free with purchase" seeds, so I'm experimenting like mad just to understand the grow variables. (And reading forum after forum for ideas, thanks all.) My 5 seeds all germinated fine, 3 in soil, 2 in paper towels. No real difference...