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    You need the fan so the plant will respond to the breeze by strengthening its trunk/stems. Without it they won't be able to support their own weight when they get older.
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    Cleaning my grow room

    5-10% bleach in water is plenty. But how do you figure this will have anything to do with a hermie problem?
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    Two weeks into flowring Four Kush Strains, They have reached the ceiling pics comment

    I'm no expert, but it seems you have three possible solutions: 1) lower the floor, 2) raise the lights, 3) tie 'em down so they grow diagonally across the grow space. I think you'll only want to do this once, so make sure they are pulled low enough so you can finish without doing this again...
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    Supersillybilly's Light Experiment

    So he's trying to convince the plants that days are 17 hours long, not 24... this will be very interesting, as they have been growing on 24-hour days for millions of years... I'm eagerly awaiting the final results!
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    Supersillybilly's Light Experiment

    Wouldn't the yield have to be reduced by at least 5/12 (minimum), as you're cutting out 5 hours of light? That's almost 50%, I'm predicting more than that. Will be interesting.
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    Nute Math?

    2-2-2 and 1-1-1 have the same ratio, but 2-2-2 has twice as much of each. You could use twice as much 1-1-1 and get the same results as using 2-2-2.
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    Nute Math?

    The N-P-K numbers signify the ratio of the 3 macronutrients, but you control how much to add to a given volume of water. The actual numbers are the % (by weight) of each. For veg you want higher N, for flowering higher P. I'm going through some calculations now because I planted in MG soil...
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    What the hell does this????

    Grubs are beetle larvae, and in my experience they never show up alone.