Search results

  1. mr. papercuts

    Tiny yellow spots on outdoor flowering leaves (picture)

    Thanks. When I searched for "tiny yellows spots on leaves" I got a bunch of different things that looked similar to this, but when I searched for "spider mites" I got images that match our leaves exactly. It is spider mites, and the symptoms just started showing today, on one plants out of five...
  2. mr. papercuts

    Tiny yellow spots on outdoor flowering leaves (picture)

    We're growing outdoors in the southwest and today one of our plants started showing some faint, yellow spots. The underside of the leaf looks fine, the spots do not go all the way through the leaf. The plant is showing a lot of evidence of insect feeding, we see grasshoppers on it everytime...
  3. mr. papercuts

    Greetings from New Mexico!

    I've just moved to a new region, don't have any connections yet, so I've begun growing for myself, very small amount, outdoors. This forum was recommended to me by a fellow I know from a video game forum. I'll be reading some stickies and threads tonight, but I figured I'd say hello here...
  4. mr. papercuts

    Desert Growing Tips

    When growing outdoors in the desert regions where it is in the 90s every day (southern New Mexico), are there any specific tips or techniques to keep in mind? I just came over to this forum on a recommendation from a friend from another forum. I'm sitting down to read the stickies tonight, but...
  5. mr. papercuts

    Desert Outdoor Growing Tips

    Edit: I should have posted this in the Outdoor Growing forum, and I can't find an optiont o delete it. If a mod would like to delete it I have posted it over there. When growing outdoors in the desert regions where it is in the 90s every day (southern New Mexico), are there any specific tips...