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  1. B

    Does smokin make any1 here ....JUMP

    howayas, Not sure if this is in the right place, but everytime i smoke, I get these sudden jumps like..... probably like every half an hour or so....It looks like torrets kinda.... For me, it feels like im kinda driftin off on a cloud for a second and then I JUMP bak into reality.... I kinda...
  2. B

    enviros and flowering

    thanks man!!
  3. B

    enviros and flowering

    howaya!!! ive got a single plant under a 125 watt envirolite..... blue! its a feminised blueberry aswel in a 2 foot by 1 foot cloest.... that goes from my floor to ceilin in height.... am about 3 weeks in now and flyin........ but just wonderin when it comes to flowerin would a 200 watt...
  4. B

    bita help on lights!

    just a quick question! i have one plant in a 1 foot by 2 foot space... and im just wondering what the best lights for flowering are? cost isnt really an issue but im thinking temp of HID lights mite be! how hot do they get?? would an extractor be 100% needed?? thanks!!