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  1. Elder Price

    Best led light for under $1300

    That appears to be from the LG factory in China, no relation to the LG that makes TVs. I bought one to replace a 400w CMH about a year ago. They have an...
  2. Elder Price

    Do These people even hear themselves talk?

    I think I saw that same program, on one of the channels I watch. I remember the blond. She looked like the uptight blond from The Office.... People are idiots sometimes....
  3. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    I just like growing weed. Who cares what is used to grow it? You wanna know what the best light is? Better than LED, better than HPS, better than CFL, better than all 3 combined, and it is also the cheapest too. The sun.
  4. Elder Price

    Holy fuck! some real shit...

    What are you some kind of snitch or something? oooh, I'm telling..... That post was totally on topic to this thread. Jebus crust.....
  5. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    I wonder if he's responding to me... Wait, no I don't! He's talking to himself!
  6. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    I had fun with him until he started with the name calling, and that last dumbass comment he made before he went on my ignore list. I have no problem agreeing to disagree. I have no problem admitting if I'm wrong. But just telling me I'm wrong doesn't prove it. I do believe we have a drunken...
  7. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Do you have a life outside the internet? You just clowned yourself dude. I'm with Beasto, ignore list. I can't debate with a child. Best of luck with your whatever it is you do.
  8. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Where? I'm not going to hunt down your posts. You want me to believe, bring me the link. Link(s), with pics, side by sides, not people just saying they don't work, that brings us back to the god thing, just because people say he's real, doesn't mean it is. Pics man, lets see some pics from some...
  9. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Name calling? Really? You said I didn't read, you missed the title of the thread, and misquoted it as well. I called you on it, and you call me a douche? You get proven wrong, and now it's name calling? You want a debate, be an adult about it, this is an adult forum.
  10. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Could you please show us? Show, not tell. Show. Where was it proven, just a link dude.
  11. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Actually the title of the thread is "Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends". And you get on me for thinking I didn't read posts, you didn't even read the title. The OP is entitled to that opinion. You are entitled to disagree as well, but you went about it in a way that was rude...
  12. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Btw, really digging the 10 x 10s you have going on.
  13. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    So, then.... what is your point exactly? Watt for watt LEDs do not perform the same as HPS? Okay, prove it. If someone comes to my house, or even a house I hang out at with like minded folk, and tells us a [blank] is better than some other [blank], they better either prove it or get out...
  14. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Dude, I read everything I respond to. Sometimes I will not address the entire post, especially if I do not agree with it. I am not new to forums, just new here.
  15. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    I am entertained with this. Doesn't matter what kind of forum we are on, there will always be someone to come along to scream how much better than they are than others, and usually accompanied with poor grammar. They are called internet trolls. They will not go away, they get banned, and come...
  16. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    In a world of 8 billion people, or whatever it is, ask them if god is real, most will tell you he is. Doesn't mean it is true.
  17. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Alright, no none is trying to prove anything to YOU, YOU came to this thread just to talk crazy. YOU are trying to prove to US as LED users that LEDs do not outperform HPS. So, YOU prove to us it wont. Do a side by side. Or show us some side by sides that are already done with good LEDs. Just...
  18. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    First of all, I do not have room for a 4 x 4, (am I a newb because I do not have room for a 4 x 4? No) and secondly, you will not get anything if you use an 80 watt LED in a 4 x 4, you'd still need around 1000 watts. I have a little more than 80 watts, well a lot more, and in an area smaller...
  19. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    I'm pretty happy with my LEDs, and others that actually did some research before buying their LEDs are happy with theirs as well. I am not a newb either, I didn't just start growing when I joined the forum, I started growing in the 80s, and I have used HPS before. I have a small grow where HPS...
  20. Elder Price

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Really didn't want to waste my first post on this, but, I have read this thread long enough. Who cares if 90% of people do not use LEDs? I use them, and I like them, and your opinion wont change that. How about instead of us vs. them as growers based on our growing methods, it should be us...