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  1. E

    Ak47 with 3 fingered leaves

    No they are fine and they will definitely get bigger they are just starting to flower you have a ways to go yet. Good luck.
  2. E

    Seedlings In Bad Shape.

    They are looking pretty good but need water a couple look like they may be getting burned just keep the soil moist they look like they will survive.
  3. E

    Seedlings In Bad Shape.

    I put my seedling when they are first sprouted into FF oF and have never had them burn maybe if you are adding ferts but the soil by itself has never burned for me.
  4. E

    hydro setup questions

    I wish I could try a hydro setup but I don't have the coin for it. I just put a seed in a pot water it and watch it grow. You all make this into something that is waaaaay to complicated. In the old days we used to just get a handful of seeds turn the soil a little and throw the seeds. Any way...
  5. E

    Few Questions About Soil and Water

    The 6 day old plant looks fine the others I don't know. When I have seedlings like this I just keep a squirt bottle and gie them a squirt of water every once in a while not too much as I do not want to disturb the soil until the have some strong roots and a stem. Here is what I got on my 1st...
  6. E

    When does outdoor flowering begin?

    Yes I do if you are growing outdoors without a greenhouse or any other way of artficially changing the amount of light per day the days will have 12 hours of light on or around September 22 which will give you 12 hours of dark. 12/12 the plant will begin to flower at this time if the seed says...