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  1. tab2012

    Pictures...what are these brown spots?

    and regular soil nothing fancy..
  2. tab2012

    Pictures...what are these brown spots?

    i am currently using Schultz plant food 10-15-10 it says all you need is 7 drops a gallon...I so appreciate your help..
  3. tab2012

    Pictures...what are these brown spots?

    Not sure what to make of these brown spots..only found it on a few leaves..according to some it looks like sunburn..or light burn... thanks in advance...
  4. tab2012

    CFL 6lights at 1600 LUMENS is that enough..i am so damn confused!

    23 w 4 or each plant?...holy cow...a trip to wally world it is...
  5. tab2012

    CFL 6lights at 1600 LUMENS is that enough..i am so damn confused!

    I have read, re-read and read again all about lights and who sees what...and still so damn little grow room is only 2feet by 2feet and we have only 4 plants..(i just started them on 12/12 wednesday)... We keep the lights about 1.5"-2" away from the top of the plants. The lights...
  6. tab2012

    Smallest Budding Pot Plant

    wow...i love it
  7. tab2012


    thanks Mr. Highlyfe
  8. tab2012

    The Flowering Phase From Start And Updating To Finish!

    your plants are an inspiration to first time growing and i am using MG soil and the same lights ( i think) scared i am gonna MUCK it all up...thanks for sharing..
  9. tab2012


    thanks guys..i tied them part of the LST...thought it would help get some light to the little leaves...kinda of nervous about all this reading so much i feel like i am doing everything wrong...again thanks for the welcome
  10. tab2012

    Hi, and welcome to my little POT in the world...thanks for stopping in.

    Hi, and welcome to my little POT in the world...thanks for stopping in.
  11. tab2012


    Hello to get some good information on far so good.. I love the honesty so many growers have. So far I have started to flower my babies. Started that today. Anywho...if u are reading this...HELLO!! :mrgreen::mrgreen: