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  1. F

    Welcome New Members!

    New member. 3 seeds. 1 took. Pinched her she's bushy and vibrant, but in a 5 gal. pot. I have to move her with the son throughout the day. I started fertilizing and not she is going crazy. Leaf mutations, loosing green color and getting black spots on the leaf veins. I started...
  2. F

    Are Your Plants Starting To Flower Yet??? CA

    OK, so pre flowering just barely starting...Plant is 21/2 feet. Should I wait? What do I do to stop the process and put back into veg state?
  3. F

    Male or Female

    Ok, the photos really helped. I am pretty sure I have a girl. NOw, I have slowly started adding fox farms, big bloom. I started with 1 capful in 1 gal. I have added fertilizer only three times increasing the amount. Last watering, I added, 4tblsp. to 1 1/2 gal. Now my older, bigger leaves and...