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  1. AquaPepe

    Remove fan leafs?

    I think it all has to do with how bushy your plant is. If you are seeing signs of flower let the sun down in... But don't over trim, the fan is the suns best friend. :)
  2. AquaPepe

    found 6 plants what to do

    You touch those plants the mr karma 420 will be your huckleberry forever, forever and ever... DONT Touch those plants.
  3. AquaPepe

    WTF!!! my plant have been nearly destroyed

    What ever did the deed..... They will be back. All you can do is know how to prepare for next time. GL
  4. AquaPepe

    Is it me or is this the perfect cover plant?

    I think if you were (will) be spotted by our fly over brothers, they might just give you an award for making thier job easier. Won't work in Northern CA.
  5. AquaPepe

    My First Outdoor

    My first outdoor as well, good luck