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  1. M

    Lets see your grow room who has what learn for it

    :lol: Size :roll: lights :lol: firt :!: fun
  2. M

    greenhouse upper-leaf burn

    u can put a screen on top of the green house on the hot days that will help u out
  3. M

    new grower

    yo what up what u got
  4. M

    Smart pots, smart price!

    i use them to thay only come in fives thou the one i have r black inside and white outside 2 bucks a piece here
  5. M

    check it out first grow

    heres a few more pics
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    check it out first grow

    :idea:indoor set up . Room is 6/14/8ceilings,i have 2 1000 watt light 24/0,i thinck its a t35 can filter forget the size its big hook up ,room stays at 84 ,humidty at 38 feels good in there lol as it always seal,r unning fox everthing (just learn my lesson on that) the big dum...
  7. M

    Growing in outdoor heat

    dont know of any u can try putting something around your girl to take some of the heat like lava rorks .. dont know what im talking about its a little to far out for me .just an idie
  8. M

    hay everyone first time grower what i have

    here u go jack theres some pics.. how thay look
  9. M

    hay everyone first time grower what i have

    ty for the info i put them in 5 gal pots ,new soil fox farm ,gave them food fox farm big.. boy what a good deal ....... my ladies love me now there reachimg there arms out for me ;} not heat at all just not feedind them good . now i know .ill get some pics up soon
  10. M

    Yet another Alaskan pest issue.

    neem oil soak your plant under side and top use a spray bottle in the mist setting . it will leave a film over it ,bug hate it do it again 3 to 4 days
  11. M

    hay everyone first time grower what i have

    what i have is a room 6by14 8 foot running two 1000 watts ,got 12 plants all 3 to 4 foot tall . how much bigger r thay going to get? going to bud out in a week .12 hour on 12 off .but have one thing wrong.some of the top leaves r corling up. i think to much water i hope . the big...