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    100W MH from home depot.

    im new so i dont really know but i think if you used it in addition to the 4 cfls it would prolly be rocking. How did you get the 100w mh from home depot set up? Me and my buddy got 2 and it has 3 wires and we dont really know what to do to light it up.
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    Making a great post into a sticky?

    SECOND! saved all these recipes to my computer incase i dont have access to the internet or something. great stuff. second to none.
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    Any Existing Evidence that Clones upon Clones Degrade Yield or Quality?

    i was just looking back through the thread and saw a lot of people said genes couldn't change.... well cancer is when cell's genes mutate (maybe from exposure to uv or other radiation cuz america nuked your country) and they keep replicating uncontrollably and cause harm. so genes can definitely...
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    Any Existing Evidence that Clones upon Clones Degrade Yield or Quality?

    actually logic can only make IF statements. You say IF i assume these axioms, then logic proves this. Logic can never be used to prove its own axioms. for instance there things that you assume that you cant prove in your statement. Logic by itself isnt very useful; there MUST be guess work at...
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    tincture and THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid)

    actually thca is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabolic acid. its thc with an extra carboxillic acid group (COOH). This compound is what the plant produces (mostly although regular thc is also produced) this is why you cure weed before you smoke it. this gives the thca a chance to decarboxlyize (drop COOH...
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    Kids Not Holding Your Smoke In

    boy i started reading this thread hoping someone would have something intelligent to say. i got through about 3 pages of people fighting with eachother.... awsome
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    Ya prolly a good idea to save some JIC. Thanks for the advice on nutes! :
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    thanks this looks perfect for me to be looking at :P
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    hey im new. about to start my first grow ever (itll be indoors) this fall. me and my room mate will be doing it. Were planning on vegging under cfls and ordering our flowering light a week or 2 into veg. (Right now-its SOOOO hard to decide) Were planning on getting an hps and supplementing it...
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    CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge

    my question was more along the lines 'is sunlight absolutely ideal?' (in a theoretical sense) or could there be some set up that allows the plant to be more productive growing buds/thc. Sure (genetic) evolution tended to have the plant adapt for the sunlight. But (genetic) evolution also made...
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    CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge

    thats the cmh spectrum it seems that uvb is around 300nm (~280nm-315nm) the graph cuts out before the uvb sepctrum (prolly cuz the lights are for industrial purposes and human eyes) so i would suppose that cmh is still deficient in the uvb...
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    Any Help Needed in the Mmj Program?

    Hey, I'm trying to get a light and I read that you could help me get it for cheaper. My friend also called you the other day about helping him get his medical card. But we have some time before we need the light, so id love to hear from you about it :)