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  1. G

    has anyone ever used a sulfur burner after a neem application?

    Anyone have any more information on safe waiting period between Neem application and sulphur burn?
  2. G

    CO2 boost bucket reviews

    Hey all- I am curious as well. I have talked to some people who have said they saw absolutely no difference with their grow using c02. There is a product called "Exhale", which basically looks like a bag of wood shavings. You are supposed to set it in the room, and supposedly lasts 6 months...
  3. G

    Jock Horror 3 week Perpetual Harvest

    Hey Micmart! I haven't been on the forum long either. Gotta say I got garden envy, and SPREADSHEET envy, LOL. I am actually in the process of setting up a sheet for my family's (fairly) new garden. We started with hydro, but I don't live in the area and it was too complex to help them long...
  4. G

    Absolute cure for spider mite infestation?

    I'd like to hear more about Diatomaceous Earth. I saw an ad for a product I haven't heard of before called "Liquid Ladybug", has anyone used this product?