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  1. Samps86

    What is this DISCOLORING?!

    Well thank you all for the input it can very well be any of those things i suppose.I went ahead and cut it anyway because this morning it got worse....only had bout 2 more weeks to go.Harvest took me a good 5 hours! Reeked my whole house up but smells spectacular!I wanna go ahead and say it was...
  2. Samps86

    What is this DISCOLORING?!

    the leaves feel fine just like they should..idk if its a fungus and im just giving it water and a couple weeks ago i just assed some standard nutrients soil i forgot the name but ive never had this problem until gonna see what happens next week if i get some more sun and if it gets...
  3. Samps86

    What is this DISCOLORING?!

    Nahh,i tend to monitor about everyday and ive never noticed and type of bugs at all so im clueless to what it can be.It seems to be gettin worse every couple days and its weird that im down to my final couple weeks and this starts! So like i said before idk if i should just cut her down now and...
  4. Samps86

    What is this DISCOLORING?!

    Oh and forgot to mention for about a week now there hasnt been much sun, just cloudy and rainy not great weather if that helps....
  5. Samps86

    What is this DISCOLORING?!

    I STILL cannot figure out why my leaves are turning a brownish orange color! Has anyone had this issue before or know what this is all about?!?!Its starting to take over and dont wanna ruin my harvest so im wondering if i should cut my losses and harvest now.Shes gonna be in her 6th week of...
  6. Samps86

    Am i ready to harvest?! aware ...but i have to search numerous times before it finds a match for me so cool out.One post outa hundreds aint gonna make a difference....Why search when i can get straight to the point?
  7. Samps86

    Am i ready to harvest?!

    So what color should the tricomes be roughly? Is it an amber and clear tricome head or is it supposed to be a cloudy tricome? Also,its been real crappy weather..nuttin but cloudy and rain past week or so i would probably wait a couple days after the rain anyways to cut her down from all the...
  8. Samps86

    Am i ready to harvest?!

    So i finally got my magnifying glass to check out the tricomes on my buds.Im im 5th week of flowering and im just bout 50/50 on amber and cloudy tricome heads.Ready to harvest?! Or is there a better recommended color thats prefered? Also,i noticed this week some tips on my leaves are turning an...
  9. Samps86

    Discoloring in Flowering stage?!

    Oh ok thats all? I actually just added some nutes about week and a half ago...
  10. Samps86

    Discoloring in Flowering stage?!

    So im almost at the end of my fourth week of my outdoor grow of a crossbreed Northern Lights/Haze.Been noticing some brownish orange spots on the leaves and some of the crystylized leaves are gettin brownish orange on the tips.Any ideas?!? Its not from too much sun and not enough water cus it...
  11. Samps86

    Need Help with harvest ASAP!!!

    Ok.So along with some leaves getting orange spots,some of the leaves that are crystylized have brownish orange tips...cant be burnt cus its not that warm and its been cloudy nd rainy lately..any ideas?!
  12. Samps86

    Need Help with harvest ASAP!!!

    So how about outdoor plants and the cold nights? How cold can they handle? And yes i cant wait! This is actually my first grow so i still learn new things everyday.Ad im gettin closer to harvest,about every 3rd day i pinch off some of the bigger leaves that arent apart of the buds but are just...
  13. Samps86

    Need Help with harvest ASAP!!!

    Yea id say shes bout middle of her first week.Im not sure what strain,i got 2 clones from a friend and says its a northern lights/haze cross breed so thats about all i know...first outdoor grow so i get a little paranoid considering ive come a long way plus she smells absolutely AMAZING!But i...
  14. Samps86

    Need Help with harvest ASAP!!!

    So my plant has been budding almost 4 weeks now and shes looks beautiful! I have kept it so healthy during the entire grow and im pretty sure shes almost ready for harvest.Alot of white hairs on the buds but not quite a 50/50 ration of white to amber hairs.My concern is that i just noticed today...
  15. Samps86

    Getting Ready For My Harvest,HELP!

    Heres one guys! Northern Light/Haze cross breed.Just a quick picture
  16. Samps86

    Getting Ready For My Harvest,HELP!

    I know shes gettin there some buds have a good amont of amber hairs but some dont but when i pinch off a few fan leaves my fingers get so fucking sticky and the smell is unreal! As soon as i can figure out how to post some damn pics ill get em up and let everyone be the judge.I just emailed them...
  17. Samps86

    Getting Ready For My Harvest,HELP!

    Yea i think thats my best but like i said theres so many different opinions i always thought alotta amber hairs meant shes just bout ready but i also read somewhere thAt you want a 50/50 white/amber color so idk
  18. Samps86

    Getting Ready For My Harvest,HELP!

    I cant figure out how to post my pics on here cus i got a bunch i take once a week lol im an idiot i know!
  19. Samps86

    Getting Ready For My Harvest,HELP!

    I also dont get any discolored leaves,but its been gettin a litttle colder at night and was wondering what it means when i get those few leaves with holes in them?
  20. Samps86

    Getting Ready For My Harvest,HELP!

    Ok,so im a first time grower and i have mine outdoors.I got a clone from a friend who guarenteed a female and that he was right on.Alls i know is that its a cross breed of northern lights and haze.I take good care of her,every one of her leaves are a nice green and she looks so healthy.So right...