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  1. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    cheers man will do :) Peace
  2. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    dude can you help me with flush ? im using biobizz allgrow and i never really got to full strength nutes to start with ? i flush 3 times the pot size i know that but what do i feed half strength ? bloom or grow ? Peace
  3. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    cheers man much appreciated will keep you posted :) Peace
  4. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    theyve been fed once since the pics were done and only foliar fed earlier to try green the leaves a bit, it seems they are sucking the life out of those big leaves ? can i flush with tap water ? 3 times pot size and last gallon half nute strength ?
  5. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    well the yellowing is still continuing and thats after a extra feed of n its effecting most big fan leaves tho only the old ones and the new growth seems ok ? going into week 4 of flowering now, any ideas man ? Peace
  6. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    well its a journey and im learning as we go lol ill know to feed a little more next time in veg so this doesnt happen as fast. its like terraforming ffs :joint: (chill myself) thanks dude as always. Peace
  7. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    Have have the ladies a early feed to help the nute def and removed dead foliage, hope it goes right. If not it'll be a flush . I'll keep you posted oh yes how long before you'd see burn so I'll know man ? Peace
  8. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    thanks man ill wait till nest feed then up it a bit:) your info is well helpful. peace
  9. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    should i feed more regularly ? i feed every 3rd watering should i change it as it works out as about every 8 to 9 days apart ? peace
  10. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    cheers man ill foliar feed as well before lights out in the morning and up the bloom a little next time and i meant top max is rubbish lol much appreciated :) peace
  11. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    this is 3rd week of flower and as you can see we have yellowing leaves which ive read is normal but im posting these to make sure nothing bad is happening my ladies, they are on 1/2 ml grow and 3/4 ml bloom per litre and watered roughly every 3 to 4 days now and nutes every 3rd watering im...
  12. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    thankyou man much appreciated :) the stretch i see myself and will get to work on that as you say in future tho the other strain is sweet and doesnt lok stretched which i find odd as they are more indica and shorter i thot theyd have stretched more lol im glad yours is going well and hope for...
  13. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    oops forgot these :lol:
  14. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    things are going well from what i see the ladies are now into 2Nd week flowering and stretching out as you can see still nice and green we're on 1/2 nutes next time 3/4 and that's every third watering leading to 1ml per litre of grow bloom and top max feeding at approx once every 4 to fifth day...
  15. jiummyboyjones

    How many plants would a 600W HPS light cover?

    thanks that just answered a question i had in my mind :) Peace
  16. jiummyboyjones


    every other watering and start at half dose or you can get nute burn. Peace
  17. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    cheers theyll be happy to hear that chum :) peace
  18. jiummyboyjones

    whats the problem here ?

    things are ok with the ladies now and im curious about trimming leaves because now they are starting to touch each other ? do i leave them alone or take leaves off ? we're into week 1 of flowering so i dont want to damage them by letting them bunch into each other or damage them by cutting them...
  19. jiummyboyjones

    is this nute burn ?

    cheers will have a check but its plain phd water for them mean time :)
  20. jiummyboyjones

    is this nute burn ?

    not to sure but i used vinegar and nutes that last time so id say ive knocked the ph down a bit ?